Sin Bandera

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Que Lloro (En Vivo)

Sin Bandera


1 ContributorQue Lloro (En Vivo) LyricsQuédate un momento así
No mires hacia mi
Que no podre aguantar
Si clavas tu mirada
Que me hiela el cuerpo
Me a pasado antes
Que no puedo hablar
Tal ves pienses que estoy loco
Y es verdad un poco
Tengo que aceptar
Pero si no te explico lo que siento dentro
No vas a entender cuando me veas llorar

Nunca me sentí tan solo
Como cuando ayer de pronto
No entendí mientras callaba
La vida me dijo a gritos
Que nunca te tuve y nunca te perdí
Y me explicaba
Que el amor es una cosa
Que se da de pronto en forma natural
Lleno de fuego
Si lo fuerzas se marchita
Sin tener principio llega a su final
Ahora tal ves lo puedas entender
Que si me tocas se quema mi piel
Ahora tal vez lo puedas entender
Y no te vuelvas si no quieres ver...
See Sin Bandera LiveGet tickets as low as $49You might also likeQue lloro por ti
Que lloro sin ti
Que ya lo entendí
Que no eres para mi
Y lloro...

Nunca me sentí tan solo
Como cuando ayer de pronto
No entendí mientras callaba
La vida me dijo a gritos
Que nunca te tuve y nunca te perdí
Y me explicaba
Que el amor es una cosa
Que se da de pronto en forma natural
Lleno de fuego
Si lo fuerzas se marchita
Sin tener principio llega a su final
Ahora tal ves lo puedas entender
Que si me tocas se quema mi piel
Ahora tal vez lo puedas entender
Y no te vuelvas si no quieres ver

Que lloro por ti
Que lloro sin ti
Que ya lo entendí
Que no eres para mi
Y lloroEmbed

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Are you ready to experience the heart-wrenching beauty of Que Lloro (En Vivo) by Sin Bandera? This iconic song has captivated audiences around the world with its poignant lyrics and soulful melody. If you're looking for a song that will touch your heart and leave you in awe, look no further.

About Que Lloro (En Vivo)

Que Lloro (En Vivo) is a live version of the sensational song originally recorded by the renowned Latin pop duo, Sin Bandera. This emotionally charged track was included in their self-titled debut album, released in 2002. Over the years, it has become one of their most beloved and recognized songs.

From the very first notes of Que Lloro (En Vivo), you can feel the emotional intensity that Sin Bandera brings to the stage. The song opens with a haunting guitar riff that sets the mood for the heartbreaking journey ahead. It immediately grabs your attention and transports you into a world of raw emotions.

The lyrics of Que Lloro (En Vivo) delve into the depths of heartbreak and loss, expressing the pain of a love that has slipped through one's fingers. The poignant verses are filled with visceral imagery that paints a vivid picture of the despair and longing felt by the narrator.

Sin Bandera's vocal performance in this live rendition is nothing short of breathtaking. Their voices intertwine with an exquisite harmony, showcasing their incredible vocal range and emotive delivery. As the song progresses, the intensity builds, reaching a powerful climax that will leave you with goosebumps.

While the original studio recording of Que Lloro is undeniably beautiful, this live version adds an extra layer of emotion and authenticity. The rawness of the live performance captures the vulnerability and rawness of the lyrics, creating a connection with the audience that is truly unforgettable.

Que Lloro (En Vivo) by Sin Bandera has touched the hearts of millions with its universal themes of love and loss. Whether you're going through a difficult breakup or simply appreciate music that evokes deep emotions, this song will resonate with you on a profound level.

It's worth noting that Sin Bandera, formed by Mexican artists Leonel García and Noel Schajris, skyrocketed to fame in the early 2000s and became one of the most successful Latin pop duos of their time. Their ability to blend heartfelt lyrics with captivating melodies earned them a dedicated fanbase across the globe.

Que Lloro (En Vivo) showcases the exceptional songwriting skills of García and Schajris. The duo demonstrates their ability to craft lyrics that transcend language and cultural barriers, touching the hearts of listeners from all walks of life. Their songwriting prowess is evident throughout the verses, capturing the universal pain of lost love with poetic precision.

The live performance of Que Lloro (En Vivo) allows Sin Bandera to showcase not only their songwriting talents but also their remarkable vocal abilities. The chemistry between García and Schajris is palpable as they harmonize flawlessly, delivering an unforgettable performance that will leave you in awe.

As the song reaches its emotional climax, it's impossible not to be moved by the sheer power and intensity of the vocal performance. Sin Bandera pours their hearts and souls into every note, leaving a lasting impact on the listener.

Que Lloro (En Vivo) is a timeless masterpiece that stands as a testament to the power of music to evoke deep emotions. With its soul-stirring melody, heartfelt lyrics, and outstanding vocal performance by Sin Bandera, this song has rightfully earned its place among the classics of Latin pop.

So, if you're in the mood for a song that will make you reflect on love and loss, Que Lloro (En Vivo) is a must-listen. Let yourself be swept away by the raw emotions and undeniable talent of Sin Bandera as they take you on a journey through the depths of the human heart.