Steve Earle

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Snake Oil

Steve Earle


10 ContributorsSnake Oil LyricsOne
Pass me that can o' oil there

Oh, I like that echo
It goes right through my head, just like it
I had that happen once but
It's chemically induced

One, two
One, two, three, four

Ladies and gentlemen, attention please
Come in close so everyone can see
I got a tale to tell, a listen don't cost a dime
If you believe that, we're going to get along just fine
Now I've been travelin' all around
I heard trouble's come to your town
I got a little somethin'
Guaranteed to ease your mind
It's called Snake Oil, y'all
It's been around for a long, long time
See Steve Earle LiveGet tickets as low as $50You might also likeWell, your crops will burn, if it don't rain soon
Ain't seen a drop since the tenth of June
Well, I can open up the sky
People have no fear
If you ain't impressed yet
Tell me what you want to hear
Well, you lost your farm so you moved to town
You get a job, they shut the factory down
Now you sit around all day long feeling sad and blue
You need Snake Oil, y'all
To tell you what I'm going to do

Step right up!

I can heal the sick and I can mend the lame
And the blind shall see again, it's all the same
Well, ain't your President good to you?
Knocked 'em dead in Libya, Grenada too
Now he's taking his show a little further down the line
Between me and him, people
You're going to get along just fine

It's called Snake Oil y'all
Snake Oil y'all, Snake Oil y'all
Called Snake Oil y'all
It's called Snake Oil y'all
It's been around for a long, long timeEmbed

Steve Earle image

Snake Oil by Steve Earle is a powerful piece of music that takes listeners on an emotional journey. The song features some of the most stirring lyrics you will ever hear, as well as a fantastic instrumental backing that perfectly complements the vocals.

The song has been a favorite of mine for quite some time, and I would love to share my perception of the track with you.

About Snake Oil

At its core, Snake Oil is a song about disillusionment and disappointment. It explores the idea that there are those amongst us who are willing to take advantage of the vulnerable just to make a quick buck. Steve Earle does an exceptional job of capturing the frustration and anger that many people feel when faced with such deception. The lyrics are sharp and insightful, painting a picture of a world filled with charlatans and frauds.

Throughout the song, Earle makes use of some fantastic imagery, vividly describing the scenes he paints. He also has a fantastic sense of pacing and structure, using the instrumental portions to build tension and create a sense of urgency.

The instrumentation on Snake Oil is top-notch, with a powerful guitar riff driving the song forward. The melody is catchy and memorable, and it is guaranteed to stick with you long after you have finished listening. The backing vocals provide a haunting counterpoint to Earle's lead, adding depth and complexity to the track.

On the whole, Snake Oil is a true masterpiece of modern music. It is a song that is sure to resonate with anyone who has been the victim of false promises and deceptive marketing. With its powerful lyrics and stirring melodies, it is a track that is sure to stand the test of time and continue to inspire people for many years to come.

Bottom Line

Snake Oil by Steve Earle is an essential track for any music fan. It is a timeless classic that speaks to the darkest aspects of the human condition, and it does so with a level of nuance and insight that is truly remarkable. Whether you are new to the world of music or a seasoned veteran, I cannot recommend this track highly enough. So go ahead and give it a listen! I promise you will not be disappointed.