Steve Goodman

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A Dying Cub Fan’s Last Request album cover

A Dying Cub Fan’s Last Request

Steve Goodman


[Verse 1: Steve Goodman]
By the shores of old Lake Michigan, where the hawk wind blows so cold
An old Cub fan lay dying in his midnight hour that tolled
All around his bed, his friends had all gathered, they knew his time was short
And on his head they put this bright blue cap from his all-time favorite sport
And he said, "It's late, it's getting dark in here and I know it's time to go
But before I leave the line-up, there's just one thing I'd like to know

Do they still play the blues in Chicago when baseball season rolls around?
When the snow melts away, do the Cubbies still play in their ivy-covered burial ground?
When I was a boy they were my pride and joy, but now they only bring fatigue
To the home of the brave, the land of the free and the doormat of the National League

[Verse 2]
He told his friends "You know the law of averages says that, 'Anything will happen that can'
That's what it says, but the last time the Cubs won a National League pennant
Was the year we dropped the bomb on Japan"
The Cubs made me a criminal, that's what they did
They stole my youth from me (that's the truth)
I'd forsake my teachers, to go sit in the bleachers, in flagrant truancy

[Verse 3]
Then one thing led to another and soon I'd discovered alcohol, gambling, dope
Football, hockey, lacrosse, but what do you expect
When you raise up a young boy's hopes?
And then just crush 'em like so many paper beer cups
[Verse 4]
Year after year, after year, after year, after year, after year, after year, after year
'Til those hopes are just so much popcorn for the pigeons beneath the 'L' tracks to eat
He said, "You know I'll never see Wrigley Field, anymore before my eternal rest
So if you have your pencils and score cards ready, then I'll read you my last request

[Verse 5]
He said, "Give me a double header funeral in Wrigley Field on some sunny weekend day, no lights
Have the organ play the "National Anthem" and then a little 'Na, na, na, na, hey hey, hey, goodbye'
Make six bullpen pitchers carry my coffin and six ground keepers clear my path
Have the umpires bark me out at every base, in all their holy wrath

[Verse 6]
It's a beautiful day for a funeral, hey Ernie, let's play two!
Somebody go get Jack Brickhouse to come back, and conduct just one more interview
Have the Cubbies run right out into the middle of the field, have Keith Moreland drop a routine fly
Give everybody two bags of peanuts and a frosty malt and I'll be ready to die

[Verse 7]
Then build a big fire on home plate out of your Louisville Sluggers baseball bats and toss my coffin in
And let my ashes blow in a beautiful snow from the prevailing thirty mile-an-hour southwest wind
When my last remains go flying over the left-field wall, we'll bid the bleacher bums adieu
And I will come to my final resting place, out on Waveland Avenue

[Verse 8]
The dying man's friends told him to cut that out, they said stop it, boy, that's an awful shame
But he said, "Don't cry, we'll meet by and by near that heavenly hall of fame
He said, "I've got season's tickets to watch the Angels now, so that's just what I'm going to do
He said, "but you the living, you're stuck here with the Cubs, so its me that feels sorry for you!"
[Verse 9]
And when he said, "Play that lonesome losers' tune, gosh, it's the one I like the best"
He closed his eyes, and he slipped away, well, Mike
It was the Dying Cub Fan's Last Request
So here it is


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Are you a baseball fan? Then you might relate to the bittersweet feelings that engulf a die-hard Chicago Cubs supporter in "A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request." This heartfelt song was penned by the talented folk musician Steve Goodman, who tragically battled leukemia during his college days at the University of Illinois. Despite the adversity he faced, Goodman continued to tour and write soul-stirring songs for musicians. Today, we delve into the depth and emotion captured in "A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request," a version that was recorded with Goodman at the iconic Wrigley Field.

About A Dying Cub Fan’s Last Request

A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request is more than just a song; it is a poignant representation of the unwavering loyalty and devotion that Chicago Cubs fans have for their beloved team. Written by Steve Goodman, a renowned folk musician who faced an arduous battle with leukemia, this song encapsulates the rollercoaster of emotions experienced by a dying Cubs fan.

In this moving rendition recorded with Goodman at Wrigley Field, one can feel the raw passion and heartfelt delivery that was characteristic of his performances. The stadium serves as the perfect backdrop, amplifying the atmosphere and connecting directly with the audience. As the opening chords strike, the palpable excitement reverberates through the crowd, intermingled with a sense of melancholy that mirrors the underlying theme of the song.

Goodman's masterful storytelling shines through in the lyrics, painting a vivid picture of the life and experiences of a lifelong Cubs fan. The song takes listeners on a nostalgic journey through the ups and downs of being a Cubs supporter. From watching memorable games on TV to enduring heartbreaking losses, Goodman captures the essence of what it means to bleed Cubbie blue.

The lyrics of "A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request" showcase Goodman's lyricism and ability to connect with his audience on a deeply personal level. Through his powerful words, he encapsulates the sentiment of a dying fan who longs for one last opportunity to witness the Cubs win a championship. The chorus, with its heartfelt plea of "Dying in the bleachers, Jesus, I'm dying in the bleachers, for one more day in the sun," strikes a chord with anyone who has held an unwavering allegiance to a sports team.

Beyond its emotional depth, the song also highlights Goodman's musical talent. The melody embraces the traditions of folk music, with its simple yet profound guitar arrangements. As the song unfolds, the various instrumental elements perfectly complement each other, creating a musical backdrop that evokes both nostalgic memories and a sense of hope.

What makes this version of "A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request" even more special is the live recording at Wrigley Field. The live audience adds an extra layer of authenticity and collective spirit to the performance. You can hear the crowd's cheers, applause, and even the sporadic cries of "Go Cubs Go!" as they join Goodman in celebrating their shared love for the team.

Although written from the perspective of a dying Cubs fan, the universal themes of hope, loyalty, and unwavering support resonate with all listeners, regardless of their affiliation with baseball. This song serves as a testament to the power of music in capturing and conveying complex emotions, transcending boundaries and connecting people through shared experiences.

Steve Goodman's "A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request" remains a timeless piece that encapsulates the essence of being a Cubs fan. Its heartfelt lyrics, combined with the live recording at Wrigley Field, create an emotional journey that pays homage to the unwavering loyalty and emotional investment of fans. So sit back, press play, and let the music take you on a captivating journey through the heart and soul of a Cubs fan.