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They Dance Alone album cover

They Dance Alone



[Verse 1]
Why are there women here dancing on their own?
Why is there this sadness in their eyes?
Why are the soldiers here, their faces fixed like stone?
I can't see what it is that they despise

They're dancing with the missing
They're dancing with the dead
They dance with the invisible ones
Their anguish is unsaid
They're dancing with their fathers
They're dancing with their sons
They're dancing with their husbands
They dance alone... they dance alone

[Verse 2]
It's the only form of protest they're allowed
I've seen their silent faces scream so loud
If they were to speak these words, they'd go missing too
Another woman on a torture table... what else can they do?

They're dancing with the missing
They're dancing with the dead
They dance with the invisible ones
Their anguish is unsaid
They're dancing with their fathers
They're dancing with their sons
They're dancing with their husbands
They dance alone... they dance alone
One day we'll dance on their graves
One day we'll sing our freedom
One day we'll laugh in our joy
And we'll dance
One day we'll dance on their graves
One day we'll sing our freedom
One day we'll laugh in our joy
And we'll dance

[Spoken: Rubén Blades]
Ellas danzan con los desaparecidos
Danzan con los muertos
Danzan con amores invisibles
Con silenciosa angustia, danzan con sus padres
Con sus hijos, danzan con sus esposos
Ellas danzan solas, danzan solas

[Verse 3]
Hey Mr. Pinochet
You've sown a bitter crop
It's foreign money that supports you
One day the money's going to stop
No wages for your torturers
No budget for your guns
Can you think of your own mother
Dancing with her invisible son
They're dancing with the missing
They're dancing with the dead
They dance with the invisible ones
Their anguish is unsaid
They're dancing with their fathers
They're dancing with their sons
They're dancing with their husbands
They dance alone... they dance alone

One day we'll dance on their graves
One day we'll sing our freedom
One day we'll laugh in our joy
And we'll dance
One day we'll dance on their graves
One day we'll sing our freedom
One day we'll laugh in our joy

And we'll dance...
And we'll dance...
And we'll dance...

Sting image

They Dance Alone is a song written and performed by Sting in collaboration with Rubén Blades. This song was written in Chile when Sting was there with his band The Police. Sting saw that the women and wives of the disappeared ones would put photos of their loved ones on their clothes and created a dance with an invisible partner in front of the police station. This feminine way of combating oppression caught his attention, and he wrote this song as a tribute to their resilience.

About They Dance Alone

The song ‘They Dance Alone’ is a moving tribute to the families of victims of political oppression during the reign of General Augusto Pinochet in Chile. The song is based on Sting’s visit to Chile, where he saw the agonizing dance of the women who had lost their loved ones in the oppressive regime. The song not only recognizes the suffering these women have been through but also celebrates the strength and courage of these women to fight against oppression through a feminine and peaceful way.

The song features Sting's powerful, signature vocals over an acoustic guitar, making it a heart-wrenching and soulful ballad. The song slowly builds up, eventually exploding into a crescendo of instruments and backing vocals that add an ethereal dimension to the already poignant melody. The lyrics are simple yet poetic, with lines like ‘the silence of their feet was deafening,’ making listeners visualize the women dancing in their unique protest.

The lyrics of They Dance Alone refer to the “widows” of Chile, who grieved for their partners, fathers, brothers, sons, and loved ones during the reign of Pinochet. The dance performed by the women is a folk dance that symbolizes their mourning and remembrance of their loved ones. The dance is also a symbol of Chilean identity and is an ode to their traditions and beliefs. Sting wrote the song to highlight the importance of this protest, paying homage to the amazing strength and resilience of these women who fought for their voice to be heard, using their best weapon- culture, tradition, and peaceful resistance.

This song has been applauded by music lovers and critics alike who appreciate the powerful message it sends. The song was banned in Chile after its release but became popular worldwide, particularly among those who opposed political oppression. After being banned, protests erupted, and even more people, both inside and outside Chile, became aware of the situation in the country. The bold, feminist statement that this song makes has become a symbol of the resistance against the political oppression of Pinochet's regime and political oppression in general.

The music video, directed by David Hogan, is also something to behold. The video features images of women dancing with pictures of their loved ones pinned to their dresses, juxtaposed with images of the stark, barren landscape of Chile. The video reinforces the melancholic beauty of the song and has become nearly as emblematic as the song itself in the music industry’s efforts to combat political oppression through music and imagery.

Wrapping Up

They Dance Alone is an important song that highlights the resilience and courage of women in Chile who lost their loved ones during the oppressive reign of Pinochet. The song is a tribute to their sorrow, grief, and their unique way of expressing their mourning- a dance with invisible partners. The song not only honors these women but also stands as a strong message against political oppression and the importance of fighting oppression through peaceful means, just as these women did. The song's high emotion and poignant lyrics, combined with Sting's signature vocals, make it one of the most beautiful, iconic, and powerful songs in music history.

  • Release Date: October 13, 1987
  • Artist: Sting