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St. Petersburg



[Verse 1]
Before the time of the morning sandman
I can find my way around
Soon be here at the borderline, I guess
Armageddon coming down

And here lies a pretty state again
It's time to make a move on

'Cause in three days, I'll be out of here
And it's not a day too soon

[Verse 2]
Firelight, the light of love, burns
Turns to ashes in your hand
So to bed by the morning light, I guess
And I'm awake and understand

Set sail for St. Petersburg
Making use of my time

'Cause in three days, I'll be out of here
And it's not a day too soon
[Verse 3]
Head out to a better life
I can get a job, settle down
I'm full of love, of a full of feeling
I can't stand the here and now

We leave town for pity's sake, you know
It's time to make a move on

'Cause in three days, I'll be out of here
And it's not a day too soon
Yeah, three days, I'll be out of here
And it's not a day too soonEmbed

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Are you ready to take a trip to the vibrant city of St. Petersburg? Well, buckle up and get ready to dive into the enchanting world of Supergrass' sensational song, "St. Petersburg." Released in 2005 as the lead single from their album, Road to Rouen, this track quickly captured the hearts of fans around the world. With its unique blend of orchestral elements and raw authenticity, "St. Petersburg" proved to be a musical masterpiece that left listeners yearning for more.

One of the most intriguing aspects of "St. Petersburg" is its orientation towards longer, looser, and more orchestral material. Supergrass, known for their infectious rock sound, took a bold and captivating leap into uncharted waters with this song. The band's willingness to experiment and push boundaries shines through in every note, creating a mesmerizing listening experience.

What sets "St. Petersburg" apart from many other tracks is its meticulously crafted recording process. Unbelievably, the song was recorded in one take with no overdubs. This decision was made to capture the essence of an authentic orchestral performance and ensure that every nuance and emotion were conveyed with utmost precision. The result is a mesmerizing and immersive sonic journey that transports listeners to the heart of St. Petersburg itself.

Supergrass infuses "St. Petersburg" with a captivating energy that grabs hold of your senses from the very first note. The song's narrative takes you on a lyrical adventure, painting vivid imagery of the city's rich cultural heritage and captivating beauty. As the music swells and the vocals soar, you can almost feel the cool breeze from the Neva River and catch glimpses of the majestic architecture that lines its banks.

Listening to "St. Petersburg," you can't help but be drawn into the captivating symphony of instruments that accompany each verse and chorus. The orchestration is masterful, with each instrument playing a crucial role in creating the song's rich tapestry of sound. From the delicate piano melodies and soaring strings to the vibrant brass section and pulsating rhythm section, each element complements the others, creating a harmonious whole that is impossible to resist.

But it's not just the sonic landscape that captivates the listener; the lyrics of "St. Petersburg" also play a pivotal role in its allure. Supergrass weaves a tale of love, history, and wanderlust that resonates deeply. The lyrics effortlessly transport you to the city's cobblestone streets, its bustling marketplaces, and its hidden alleyways, all while exploring themes of longing, adventure, and the power of human connections. It's a lyrical journey that evokes emotions and leaves a lasting imprint upon the soul.

With "St. Petersburg," Supergrass encapsulates the spirit of exploration and creativity that has defined their illustrious career. This iconic song serves as a testament to their ability to reinvent themselves while staying true to their musical roots. By blending elements of orchestration and rock, they create a sound that is wholly unique, captivating, and unrestrained.

About St. Petersburg

"St. Petersburg" is a remarkable song released by British rock band Supergrass as the lead single from their 2005 album, Road to Rouen. This track showcased Supergrass' willingness to experiment with longer, looser, and more orchestral material, deviating from their trademark rock sound.

The captivating recording process of "St. Petersburg" adds to its allure. The song was recorded in one take, with the band intentionally avoiding overdubs. This decision aimed to capture the authenticity and rawness of an orchestral performance, resulting in a truly immersive listening experience for their audience.

The song's musical arrangement is a true marvel, with each instrument playing a crucial role in creating a harmonious whole. From the delicate piano melodies and soaring strings to the vibrant brass section and pulsating rhythm section, the orchestra breathes life into the narrative and transports listeners to the enchanting streets of St. Petersburg.

Lyrically, "St. Petersburg" takes listeners on a poetic journey through the city's cultural heritage and scenic beauty. It evokes emotions of wanderlust, longing, and the power of human connections, adding depth and resonance to the already captivating musical composition.

Supergrass' ability to blend orchestration and rock seamlessly shines through in "St. Petersburg," making it a standout track in their discography. It showcases their artistic growth and willingness to venture into new sonic territories, ultimately capturing the hearts of music enthusiasts around the world.