System Of A Down

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Protect the Land album cover

Protect the Land

System Of A Down


[Verse 1: Daron Malakian & Serj Tankian]
The big gun tells you what your life is worth
What do we deserve before we end the Earth?
If they will try to push you far away
Would you stay and take a stand?
Would you stay with gun in hand?

[Chorus: Daron Malakian & Serj Tankian]
They protect the land
They protect the land
Those who protect the land
Those who protect the land
Those who protect

[Verse 2: Daron Malakian & Serj Tankian]
The enemy of man is his own decay
If they're evil now, then evil they will stay
If they will try to push you far away
Would you stay and take a stand?
Would you stay with gun in hand?

[Chorus: Daron Malakian & Serj Tankian]
They protect the land
They protect the land
They protect the land
Our history and victory and legacy we send
From scavengers and invaders, those who protect the land
Those who protect the land
Those who protect
Those who protect the land
Those who protect
[Bridge: Serj Tankian with Daron Malakian]
Some were forced to foreign lands
Some would lay dead on the sand
Would you stay and take command?
Would you stay with gun in hand? With gun in hand

[Chorus: Daron Malakian & Serj Tankian]
They protect the land
They protect the land
They protect the land
Our history and victory and legacy we send
From scavengers and invaders, those who protect the land
Our history and victory and legacy we send
From scavengers and invaders, those who protect
Those who protect the land
Those who protect the land
Those who protect
Those who protect the land
Those who protect

System Of A Down image

If you're a fan of System Of A Down, you probably know that the band has not released new music for over 15 years. So, when they dropped a double single called "Protect The Land" and "Genocidal Humanoidz" out of nowhere, fans were ecstatic. What's more, the songs were released in response to the conflict between Armenia and Artsakh against Azerbaijan and Turkey, making them incredibly meaningful for the members of the band.

About Protect the Land

"Protect The Land" is a song by System Of A Down that was originally supposed to be featured in Scars On Broadway's upcoming album. However, it ended up being released as a double single after Daron Malakian, who wrote the song, sent the track to his fellow bandmates. It was an unexpected surprise and marked the band's first new release in 15 years.

The song was written in response to the acts of war and terrorism committed by Azerbaijan with the aid of Turkey against the people of Armenia and Artsakh. In an Instagram post, lead vocalist Serj Tankian stated that the band members had something incredibly important to say as a unified voice.

"The current corrupt regimes of Aliyev (President of Azerbaijan) in Azerbaijan and Erdogan (President of Turkey) in Turkey not only want to claim Artsakh and Armenia as their own, but are committing genocidal acts with impunity on humanity and wildlife to achieve their mission. They are banking on the world being too distracted with COVID, elections and civil unrest to call out their atrocities."

The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan dates back to 1988, but tensions resurfaced in late 2020 when large-scale clashes broke out in Artsakh. The song's accompanying music video sheds light on the conflict's history and the current situation in the region.

The song opens with an emotive guitar riff that gradually ramps up into a more robust sound before launching into the first verse. The lyrics are significant and emotional, addressing the ongoing conflict and calling for peace:

"Our history and victory and legacy won't be erased."

The song's chorus is catchy and memorable, with the vocals and music working together perfectly:

"Protect the land, from the enemy's hand.

Arise, nations rise, Armenia, Artsakh, rise."

The second verse is instrumental, with a dynamic and enthralling guitar solo that will have you tapping your feet and nodding your head along with the beat. The lyrics eventually return in the final minutes of the song, reminding listeners of the significance of the conflict and the need for peace.

Overall, "Protect The Land" is an incredibly moving and meaningful song that highlights the importance of standing up for what is right and fighting for justice. It's a call to arms and a beacon of hope for those fighting in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The song's powerful lyrics, emotive music, and striking visuals make it a must-listen for fans of System Of A Down and anyone passionate about fighting for a just cause.