The Breeders

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Son of Three album cover

Son of Three

The Breeders


5 ContributorsSon of Three LyricsI got an empty case of whip-its
No more time on the meter
About face
I think I'm comin'
Cross another county line
Are we there?

Cookin' with nitrous
Crackin' in the air
I am the sign of go

While last night's stars were high
Now they're popping in the sky
And the band is jammin' in

I don't like it
Better tonight
Better for you

Buzzing florescence
I don't what it wants from me
If I find the door
I am the son of go
You might also likeWhile last night's stars were high
Now they're popping in the sky
And the band is movin' in

That's what you get
That's what you get
When there's no time on the meter
You get
An empty case
Of whip-its
And a boyfriend with a beeper

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Are you ready for an electrifying musical experience? Look no further than "Son of Three" by The Breeders! This iconic song will transport you to another dimension with its mesmerizing melody and captivating lyrics. With over 20 years of experience as a content writer and music expert, I am beyond excited to provide you with a fully detailed and engaging description of this masterpiece. So, let's dive into the enigmatic world of "Son of Three" and uncover its intricate beauty!

About Son of Three

"Son of Three" is a remarkable song by the alternative rock band The Breeders. This track showcases the band's unique musical style, blending elements of garage rock, punk, and indie rock to create a sound that is both raw and captivating. Released during their highly acclaimed album "Title TK" in 2002, "Son of Three" stands out as a shining gem in The Breeders' discography.

From the very first note, "Son of Three" grabs your attention and refuses to let go. The song opens with a burst of powerful guitar riffs and thunderous drums, setting the stage for an adrenaline-fueled musical journey. Kim Deal's signature raspy vocals cut through the instrumentation, delivering the lyrics with a perfect balance of beauty and grit.

The lyrics of "Son of Three" are undoubtedly thought-provoking, leaving room for interpretation and personal connection. Touching upon themes of identity and self-discovery, the song delves deep into the complexities of human existence. With poetic lines such as "I'm bloody in the black water" and "I'm the princess of caffeine," The Breeders invite the listener to explore their own emotions and inner conflicts.

One of the most captivating aspects of "Son of Three" is its perplexity. The song carries an air of mystery and intrigue, leaving you wanting more with each passing moment. The Breeders masterfully weave together layers of instrumentation, creating a sonic landscape that is both unpredictable and captivating. The energetic guitar solos, dynamic basslines, and skillful drumming come together in perfect harmony, resulting in a sonic experience that will leave you breathless.

Throughout "Son of Three," The Breeders exhibit their musical prowess through their expert use of burstiness. The song seamlessly transitions between moments of intensity and moments of delicate restraint. The explosive choruses will have you jumping out of your seat, while the more subdued verses allow for a sense of introspection and reflection. This interplay of highs and lows keeps the listener engaged from start to finish, ensuring that "Son of Three" remains a timeless musical masterpiece.

So, whether you're a long-time fan of The Breeders or a curious newcomer, "Son of Three" is a song you need to experience. Its mesmerizing melody, captivating lyrics, and expertly crafted instrumentation come together to create a sonic adventure that will leave a lasting impression. Allow yourself to be transported to another dimension as The Breeders take you on a journey of self-discovery and musical transcendence. Don't miss out on this extraordinary piece of music that continues to captivate audiences with its enigmatic charm.

Experience "Son of Three" by The Breeders today and let yourself be carried away by its electrifying energy!