The Knife

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Like a Pen album cover

Like a Pen

The Knife


[Verse 1]
Sharpen my body like a pen
Come on, I need to show it
Something too small for a lens
If I rub it, if I wipe it

[Verse 2]
Guiding with one single hand
Nothing's wrong, you like the feeling
I am all over the land
Come on, I need to show it

[Verse 3]
Back on the mountain again
I was standing watching seasons
You're now my only friend
I'm too heavy, I'm the burden

[Verse 4]
Sitting and picking on myself
It's a shiny, shiny morning
And when the light finds my eye
I'll be fleeting like a scent

[Chorus 1]
I hold my breath and then count to three
On and on, outworn
Must be five hundred degrees
Can't sail on, outworn
[Chorus 2]
I hold my breath and then count to three
On and on, outworn
Must be five hundred degrees
Will it show, in my show

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Looking to delve into a song that explores the complexities of body anxiety? Look no further than "Like a Pen" by the enigmatic Swedish electronic music duo, The Knife. In this poignant track, the narrator expresses a desire to minimize their body to the point of near invisibility. With thought-provoking lyrics and mesmerizing beats, "Like a Pen" is a powerful exploration of self-perception in a society that often places unrealistic beauty standards on individuals.

About "Like a Pen"

Released in 2006 as a single from The Knife's critically acclaimed album, "Silent Shout," "Like a Pen" immediately captivated listeners with its hauntingly introspective lyrics and innovative production. The duo consisting of siblings Karin Dreijer and Olof Dreijer has never been one to shy away from pushing boundaries, and "Like a Pen" is a prime example of their bold musical experimentation and storytelling prowess.

The lyrics of "Like a Pen" confront the deeply personal topic of body anxiety head-on. The narrator yearns to escape the weight of societal expectations, expressing a desire to reduce their physical form to the point of insignificance. This existential longing for freedom from the constraints of the body resonates with listeners who have experienced the pressures of conforming to beauty standards or have grappled with body image issues.

Embedded within the lyrics is a sense of vulnerability and a search for self-acceptance. The Knife expertly crafts a narrative that highlights the inner turmoil of the narrator, who longs for the ability to shed their physical existence and become abstract, like a pen. Through this metaphor, The Knife invites listeners to contemplate the relationship between identity, self-expression, and societal norms.

The captivating production of "Like a Pen" further enhances the song's thematic exploration. The Knife's signature blend of electronic beats, ethereal synths, and atmospheric soundscapes create a sonic landscape that mirrors the emotional journey of the narrator. The pulsating rhythm and hypnotic melodies draw listeners in, creating an immersive experience that heightens the impact of the lyrics.

One of the remarkable aspects of The Knife's artistic approach is their ability to seamlessly integrate thought-provoking lyrics with innovative music production. "Like a Pen" demonstrates their mastery of this craft, as they explore complex subject matter while delivering an engrossing sonic experience.

As with many of The Knife's songs, "Like a Pen" leaves ample room for interpretation. The introspective lyrics, coupled with the enigmatic production, lend themselves to multiple layers of meaning. Each listener is invited to bring their own experiences and perspectives to the song, making it a deeply personal and resonant piece of music.

In a world where body image issues continue to plague individuals of all genders, "Like a Pen" offers a powerful and cathartic listening experience. The Knife's exploration of body anxiety and the desire to escape societal expectations provides solace and validation to those who have grappled with their own self-perception. Through their unique blend of introspective lyrics and mesmerizing soundscapes, The Knife reminds us of the transformative power of music in addressing personal struggles and provoking reflection.

So, let yourself be drawn into the introspective and thought-provoking world of "Like a Pen" by The Knife. Allow the captivating lyrics and innovative production to guide you through a journey of self-reflection and contemplation. Discover the power of music to shed light on societal expectations and question the very essence of our own identities.

  • Release Date: February 17, 2006
  • Artist: The Knife