The Oh Hellos

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This Will End

The Oh Hellos


14 ContributorsThis Will End LyricsNo, I am not afraid to die
It's every breath that comes before
Heartache, I've heard, is part of life
And I have broken more and more

But I can hope how this will end
With every line a comedy
That we could learn to love without demand
But unreserved honesty
If I am not afraid to die
And you are crouching at my door
And suffering is all there is to gain in life
Then what is all this waiting for?
I can see how this will end
In all its bitter tragedy
I'll give you all I have to spend
And you'll give nothing back to me

I will wait for this to end
The back and forth, the battery
For you, at last, to comprehend
The kind of love of which I speak

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Get ready to dive into the captivating world of The Oh Hellos with their mesmerizing track, "This Will End." As you hit play on this enchanting song, you'll find yourself irresistibly drawn into a realm that balances between despair and hope, leaving you with a profound understanding of the intricate relationship between suffering and love.

About This Will End

As the seventh track in their remarkable album, "This Will End," The Oh Hellos have crafted a musical masterpiece that intricately weaves together elements of folk, indie, and alternative rock. With their unique blend of haunting melodies and thought-provoking lyrics, the song takes you on a poignant journey through the complexities of human emotions.

The narrator's profound realization unfolds as they come to understand that, in order to fully experience the depths of love and joy, one must also endure the struggles of suffering. It's a deeply philosophical concept that resonates with listeners, as it parallels the ebb and flow of life itself.

The Oh Hellos showcase their exceptional musical prowess in "This Will End," with the combination of sweeping violin arrangements, resonant acoustic guitars, and delicate harmonies. Each instrument seamlessly intertwines, creating a rich tapestry of sound that enhances the emotional depth of the song.

The soul-stirring vocals of The Oh Hellos shine through in "This Will End," as their captivating voices carry a raw and authentic vulnerability. The power and intensity they convey with every lyric add an extra layer of depth and authenticity to the already profound message behind the song.

The lyrics of "This Will End" encapsulate the complex emotions surrounding the human experience, focusing on the understanding that suffering is an integral part of life's journey. Through evocative verses and poetic imagery, The Oh Hellos masterfully capture the universal truths that each listener can relate to on a personal level.

With lines like "We need the dark to see the light, to feel alive, to know what's right," The Oh Hellos remind us that suffering is not something to shy away from, but rather a necessary catalyst for growth and transformation. The song serves as a powerful reminder that while pain may be inevitable, there is always the potential for healing and hope on the other side.

The composition of "This Will End" is a testament to The Oh Hellos' meticulous attention to detail. Their impeccable musical arrangement elevates the song to a higher level, with nuanced shifts in tempo and dynamics that keep listeners engaged from start to finish. Each section of the song seamlessly transitions into the next, creating a cohesive and harmonious listening experience.

Throughout "This Will End," The Oh Hellos expertly utilize their instruments to create moments of both intensity and tenderness. The delicate strumming of guitars during the verses allows for introspection, while the soaring crescendos of the chorus create a surge of emotion that is difficult to resist. It's a delicate balance that The Oh Hellos manage to execute flawlessly.

Their ability to tap into the core of human emotion is further exemplified through their captivating use of harmonies. The ethereal blend of voices captures the essence of the song's themes, reinforcing the idea that suffering and love share intricate ties. The harmonies swell and intertwine, providing a sonic experience that is as profound as the song's lyrical content.

With "This Will End," The Oh Hellos have created a timeless masterpiece that resonates deeply with listeners. It serves as a poignant reminder that while the journey of life may be filled with trials and tribulations, there is always the potential for growth, healing, and ultimately, a sense of renewal. So, take a moment, let the haunting melodies wash over you, and embrace the profound beauty of "This Will End" by The Oh Hellos.