The Smashing Pumpkins

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Hummer album cover


The Smashing Pumpkins


[Instrumental Intro]

[Verse 1]
Faith lies in
The ways of sin
I chased the charmed
But I don't want them anymore

And in their eyes, I was alive—a fool's disguise
Take me away from you

[Verse 2]
And shame my tongue
Fat with promise all along
When I woke up from that sleep
I was happier than I’d ever been

When you decide
That your life is a prize
Renew and revive
It's alright, honey, it's alright, yeah

[Bridge 1]
Happiness will make you wonder
Will I feel okay?
It scares the disenchanted, far
[Guitar Solo]

[Bridge 2]
Yeah, I want something new
But what am I supposed to do
About you?
Yeah, I love you
It's true

[Bridge 3]
Life's a bummer
When you're a hummer
Life's a drag, yeah, yeah

Ask yourself a question
Anyone but me, I ain't free
Ask yourself a question
Anyone but me, I ain't free
Do you feel
Love is real?

[Guitar Solo]

The Smashing Pumpkins image

Get ready to be blown away by the incredible sonic journey that is "Hummer" by The Smashing Pumpkins. This iconic track showcases one of the defining characteristics of the band - their ability to seamlessly blend different ideas into a harmonious collage of musical brilliance. With each verse, the song evolves, taking unexpected twists and turns that keep listeners captivated from start to finish.

When guitarist James Iha spoke about the band's creative process, he revealed how their songs would mutate in countless directions. The Smashing Pumpkins weren't afraid to experiment and push the boundaries of their music. They would play a song repeatedly, making subtle changes here and there, or even scrapping entire parts to see what emerged from the musical alchemy. This approach resulted in songs that sounded refreshingly different, ensuring that no two tracks were ever alike.

About Hummer

"Hummer" stands out as a prime example of The Smashing Pumpkins' dynamic songwriting style. It is a masterclass in the art of composition, with no repeated vocal melodies or chord sequences in the verses, making each section a unique piece of the puzzle. Instead, the song glides effortlessly between captivating hooks, seamlessly transitioning between distorted and quiet moments.

From the very first note, "Hummer" grabs your attention with its atmospheric and haunting guitar intro. The atmospheric soundscapes draw you into the world of the song, setting the stage for what is to come. As the verse kicks in, Billy Corgan's vocals blend beautifully with the layered instrumentation, creating an ethereal experience that transports you to another realm.

The song's structure can be likened to a rollercoaster ride, with its constant rise and fall of intensity. It builds up tension during the verses, with the instrumentation and vocals intensifying until it reaches a climax. Just when you think you know where the song is headed, it surprises you with a sudden shift, taking a different path altogether. This constant sense of unpredictability keeps you on the edge of your seat, eagerly awaiting the next musical twist.

One of the standout elements in "Hummer" is the exceptional guitar work by James Iha. His skillful playing adds layers of texture and depth to the song, enhancing its emotional impact. The way the guitar weaves in and out, seamlessly transitioning between melodic strumming, atmospheric effects, and razor-sharp riffs, showcases Iha's versatility and contributes to the unique sound of the track.

Billy Corgan's vocals shine throughout "Hummer," demonstrating his ability to convey raw emotion through his singing. His voice is both haunting and hypnotic, capturing the essence of the song's lyrics. The poetic and reflective nature of the lyrics complements the overall atmospheric vibe of the track, creating a sense of introspection and introspective contemplation.

As the song progresses, the quiet moments provide a momentary respite before launching back into the captivating hooks and intense instrumentation. This contrast between the subdued and explosive sections adds depth and complexity to the overall composition, making "Hummer" a truly captivating musical experience from start to finish.

In true Smashing Pumpkins fashion, "Hummer" showcases the band's ability to create music that defies conventions, blurring the boundaries of alternative rock. It is an anthem of sonic exploration and a testament to their willingness to take risks and push their own creative boundaries.

So, whether you're a fan of The Smashing Pumpkins or new to their music, "Hummer" is a must-listen for anyone who appreciates the art of musical fusion and the power of dynamically evolving compositions.

Prepare to embark on a sonic journey like no other, as "Hummer" takes you on a whirlwind ride through ever-changing melodies, captivating hooks, and a musical landscape that will leave you spellbound.