The Tragically Hip

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Vaccination Scar

The Tragically Hip


4 ContributorsVaccination Scar LyricsSo the chemistry's set
And I'm not the saddest cheerleader to forget the American word
For the gang in the head
That dwindles to no members when
The mystery's met
The sky looks threatened, heading home in the dust
Singing, "Life is for getting
Good enough for the frivolous"

One thing I remember is
This tear on your bare shoulder
This little silver boulder
This slowly falling star
We're rolling, so what
Never getting older, where the moon-shocked curtains part
At the start of enough
A tear dropped in a vaccination scar

I'll tell you if I'm able
That is, I'll tell you like it is
It went down like a bad card table
Like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge
Like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge

Swimming on a bit
Stop and treading water as the sun assimilated the words
For lighthouse fire
Burning down to embers' end
The mystery met
The sky just-reddened, heading home under dusk
Is life just forgetting
Another word for frivolous
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And silence from Mars
For the heart of enough
For a tear dropped in a vaccination scar

Wherever you are

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Are you ready to dive into the captivating world of music with me? Today, we're going to explore a mesmerizing track called "Vaccination Scar" by the iconic Canadian rock band, The Tragically Hip. Get ready to be transported into a soundscape that combines incredible musical talent with thought-provoking lyrics.

About Vaccination Scar

"Vaccination Scar" is a captivating song that delves deep into the complexities of life, leaving listeners with an indelible mark on their souls - much like a vaccination scar. Through poetic storytelling and heartfelt melodies, The Tragically Hip takes us on a journey of self-discovery, exploring themes of identity, resilience, and the profound impact of life's experiences.

The song opens with powerful instrumentals that immediately grab your attention, showcasing the band's exceptional musicianship. The driving rhythm section sets the tone for the track, creating a pulsating energy that propels the song forward. As the guitars blend seamlessly with the drums and bass, the music establishes a solid foundation for the emotional narrative to unfold.

Frontman Gord Downie's vocals are nothing short of mesmerizing. His unique voice, filled with raw emotion and vulnerability, captures the essence of the song's message. Through his evocative delivery, he invites listeners to reflect on their own personal scars and the stories they tell.

Lyrically, "Vaccination Scar" is a masterclass in poetic storytelling. The Tragically Hip weaves vivid imagery and striking metaphors, allowing listeners to delve into their own interpretations of the song's meaning. Each line carries weight and invites introspection, leaving a lasting impression on those who listen.

The chorus of the song provides a cathartic release, as the band harmonizes with an anthemic energy that uplifts the spirit. This infectious melody creates a sense of unity among listeners, igniting a collective feeling of strength and resilience.

Throughout the track, the instrumental breaks showcase the band's remarkable musical prowess. The intricate guitar solos and melodic interplay between the band members create moments of pure musical bliss. These moments give the song a dynamic and unpredictable nature, keeping listeners engaged and captivated from start to finish.

As "Vaccination Scar" reaches its climax, the intensity builds, drawing listeners even deeper into the song's emotional core. The combination of powerful instrumentation and heartfelt lyrics culminates in a breathtaking crescendo, leaving an indelible mark on the listener's soul.

The Tragically Hip is known for their ability to create music that resonates on a deeply personal level, and "Vaccination Scar" is no exception. The song's universal themes and relatable imagery make it a timeless piece of art that listeners can connect with on an intimate level.

In a world filled with music that often lacks substance, "Vaccination Scar" is a refreshing reminder of the power of storytelling through song. The Tragically Hip's ability to combine musical brilliance with profound lyricism is a testament to their status as one of the most revered bands in Canadian music history.

If you're ready to embark on a musical journey that will leave an indelible mark on your soul, take a listen to "Vaccination Scar" by The Tragically Hip. Allow yourself to be transported into a world of introspection and emotional depth, and discover the magic that lies within this captivating track.

So, what are you waiting for? Press play, close your eyes, and let the music wash over you. You might just find yourself forever marked by the power of "Vaccination Scar."