The Used

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Paradise Lost, a Poem by John Milton album cover

Paradise Lost, a Poem by John Milton

The Used


[Verse 1]
To whom it may concern
And all the tragic we've been through
No matter where I go
I keep on running into you
Blink of an eye
Feels like forever
Same as it ever was
Same as whatever
Before the yellow fades to blue

I'm shaken
I'm shaken
I'm shaken
I'm shaken

Can't bring myself to cut ties
I know you better than anyone
Blessed with this curse my whole life
Won't let me shake the shadow
Paradise lost in your eyes
I know you better than anyone
Blessed with this curse my whole life
Won't let me shake
I'm shaken
I'm shaken

Found the key but couldn't open the cell
This selfishness was part of saving myself
From you now I hold the disease
Planted the poisonous seed
Tried not to eat from the tree
Will I survive?
It's so hard to tell

Can't bring myself to cut ties
I know you better than anyone
Blessed with this curse my whole life
Won't let me shake the shadow
Paradise lost in your eyes
I know you better than anyone
Blessed with this curse my whole life
Won't let me shake

I'm shaken
I'm shaken
I'm shaken

The Used image

In the world of music, certain songs have the remarkable ability to transport us to different realms, captivating our minds and stirring our souls. One such captivating piece is "Paradise Lost, a Poem by John Milton" by The Used. This song holds a unique place in the music industry, drawing inspiration from one of the most iconic literary works of all time - John Milton's epic poem, Paradise Lost.

About Paradise Lost, a Poem by John Milton

First, let's delve into the origins of this exceptional song. Lead singer Bert McCracken, a self-proclaimed admirer of Paradise Lost, has openly expressed his fascination with the poem and its author, John Milton. McCracken immersed himself in Milton's literary masterpiece, gaining a profound understanding of its depth and complexity. He even explored Milton's political essays, which shed light on the multifaceted perspectives within Paradise Lost.

What makes "Paradise Lost, a Poem by John Milton" even more intriguing is the revelation that many of the words spoken by the character "Satan" in the poem are actual quotes from Milton himself. This realization is a testament to the level of influence and inspiration Milton's writings had on McCracken. He recognized the significance of Milton's intentions, emphasizing the societal critique embedded within the poem.

John Milton, a prominent figure in 17th-century English literature, faced great controversy during his time. Many people at the time misunderstood his ideas and viewed him as an embodiment of evil, dubbing him "the devil." This perception stemmed from his strong disapproval of the opulence displayed by the Church of England. Milton believed that the Church's flaunting of wealth was repugnant, leading him to express his discontent through the lens of Paradise Lost.

As McCracken dived deeper into Milton's work, he recognized the parallel between the failed revolution depicted in Paradise Lost and the political climate of Milton's era. "Satan's failed revolution on earth" within the poem mirrored the failed revolution against the Church of England in the real world. The audacity and intensity of a failed revolution became a source of exhilaration and inspiration for McCracken, manifesting itself within the song.

"Paradise Lost, a Poem by John Milton" by The Used encapsulates the essence of Milton's intellectual rebellion. It channels the profound themes and emotional undertones of the original literary masterpiece, intertwining them with The Used's signature musical style. The song possesses an undeniable depth that resonates with listeners, captivating their senses and sparking introspection.

The fusion of McCracken's admiration for Milton's works and The Used's musical prowess creates a harmonious blend that echoes the vibe of rebellion and nonconformity. It serves as a modern-day homage to Milton's legacy, bringing his timeless ideas into the contemporary music scene.

Moreover, "Paradise Lost, a Poem by John Milton" not only showcases the band's appreciation for literature but also encapsulates their ability to transform dense intellectual content into a captivating auditory experience. The Used skillfully incorporates the lyrical essence of Paradise Lost, crafting a musical journey that takes the listener on a voyage through the depths of Milton's poetic genius.

As you delve into the sonic landscape of "Paradise Lost, a Poem by John Milton" by The Used, you'll find yourself immersed in a world where music and literature intertwine seamlessly. Feel the weight of Milton's words reverberate through your soul as you embrace the profound story behind the song. Let The Used guide you on a musical expedition that captures the essence of rebellion, intellectualism, and the timeless power of literature.

Immerse yourself in the enchanting melodies and thought-provoking lyrics of "Paradise Lost, a Poem by John Milton" by The Used, and embark on a journey that bridges the gap between the centuries, proving that music has the power to transcend time and connect us to the eternal.

  • Release Date: February 7, 2020
  • Artist: The Used