Tiziano Ferro

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La Fine album cover

La Fine

Tiziano Ferro


[Verse 1:]
Chiedo scusa a chi ho tradito
E affanculo ogni nemico
Che io vinca o che io perda
È sempre la stesssa merda
E non importa quanta gente ho visto
Quanta ne ho conosciuta
Questa vita ha conquistato me e io l'ho conquistata
"Questa vita" ha detto mia madre
"Figlio mio va vissuta
Questa vita non guarda in faccia
E in faccia al massimo sputa"
Io mi pulisco e basta
Con la manica della mia giacca
E quando qualcuno ti schiaccia
Devi essere il primo che attacca
Non ce l'ho mai fatta
Ho sempre incassato
E sempre incazzato
Fino a perdere il fiato
Arriverà la fine, ma non sarà la fine
E come ogni volta ad aspettare
E fare mille file
Con il tuo numero in mano e su di te un primo piano
Come un bel film che purtroppo
Non guarderà nessuno
Io non lo so chi sono
E mi spaventa scoprirlo
Guardo il mio volto allo specchio
Ma non saprei disegnarlo
Come ti parlo, parlo da sempre
Della mia stessa vita
Non posso rifarlo e raccontarlo
È una gran fatica
Vorrei che fosse oggi
In un attimo già domani
Per reiniziare
Per stravolgere tutti i miei piani
Perchè sarà migliore e io sarò migliore
Come un bel film che lascia tutti senza parole

[Verse 2:]
Non mi sembra vero e non lo è mai sembrato
Facile, dolce perchè amaro
Come il passato
Tutto questo mi ha cambiato
E mi son fatto rubare forse gli anni migliori
Dalle mie paranoie e dai mille errori
Sono strano lo ammetto
E conto più di un difetto
Ma qualcuno lassù mi ha guardato e mi ha detto
"io ti salvo stavolta, come l'ultima volta"
Quante ne vorrei fare ma poi rimango fermo
Guardo la vita in foto e già
È arrivato un altro inverno
Non cambio mai su questo mai
Distruggo tutto sempre
Se vi ho deluso chieder scusa
Non servirà a niente

Tiziano Ferro image

La Fine is a heartfelt ballad by the renowned Italian singer-songwriter Tiziano Ferro. With his distinctive voice and emotional delivery, Ferro captures the essence of love and loss in a beautifully haunting way. This soul-stirring track showcases his artistic depth and ability to connect with listeners on a profound level. In this description, we will delve into the various aspects that make La Fine a truly exceptional song.

About La Fine

At its core, La Fine is a poignant reflection on the end of a relationship. Ferro explores the bittersweet emotions that accompany the fading of love, transcending language barriers with his deeply expressive vocals. The song's lyrics delve into the complexities of heartbreak, capturing the raw vulnerability and stark reality of a love that has reached its expiration date.

As the song progresses, Ferro's voice effortlessly weaves through the melodic arrangement, creating an atmosphere of introspection and contemplation. The delicate piano chords and ethereal strings provide a perfect backdrop for his soulful delivery, allowing the song's emotions to resonate with listeners on a profound level.

One of the most captivating elements of La Fine is Ferro's ability to evoke a sense of longing and nostalgia. Every note and lyric infuses a longing for what once was, while simultaneously expressing acceptance and growth. This intricate balance between melancholy and hope is what makes the song truly timeless.

Not only does La Fine showcase Ferro's exceptional vocal prowess, but it also demonstrates his skills as a talented songwriter. The lyrics are evocative and poetic, painting a vivid picture of love's demise. The song's poetic nature allows listeners to interpret and relate to the lyrics in their own unique way, adding a layer of personal connection to the already profound emotional experience.

Furthermore, Ferro's emotive delivery adds an extra layer of depth and authenticity to the song. His ability to convey raw emotion through his voice creates an intimate connection with the audience, making it feel as though he is pouring his heart out directly to each listener.

La Fine's production is another standout element of the song. The delicate instrumentation perfectly complements Ferro's vocals, enhancing the overall emotional impact of the track. The subtle nuances in the production add richness and depth, creating a captivating sonic experience that draws listeners in from the very first note.

In addition to its musical and emotional qualities, La Fine also benefits from Ferro's passionate and engaging performance. His ability to captivate an audience with his sheer presence and stage charisma adds an extra layer of enchantment to the song. Whether experienced live or through recorded versions, La Fine leaves an indelible impression on anyone who listens.

Ultimately, La Fine is a testament to Tiziano Ferro's incredible artistry and his ability to touch hearts with his music. With its soul-stirring lyrics, heartfelt vocals, and captivating production, this ballad is a testament to the power of music to evoke genuine emotions. La Fine invites listeners on a journey through the complexities of love and loss, leaving them with a bittersweet sense of longing for more.