Tiziano Ferro

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L’ultima notte al mondo album cover

L’ultima notte al mondo

Tiziano Ferro


[Strofa 1]
Cade la neve ed io non capisco
Che sento davvero, mi arrendo
Ogni riferimento è andato via
Spariti i marciapiedi e le case e colline
Sembrava bello ieri
Ed io, io sepolto dal suo bianco
Mi specchio e non so più
Che cosa sto guardando

Ho incontrato il tuo sorriso dolce
Con questa neve bianca, adesso mi sconvolge
La neve cade e cade pure il mondo
Anche se non è freddo adesso quello che sento
E ricordati, ricordami:
Tutto questo coraggio non è neve
E non si scioglie mai, neanche se deve

[Strofa 2]
Cose che spesso si dicono improvvisando
Se mi innamorassi davvero saresti solo tu
L'ultima notte al mondo io la passerei con te
Mentre felice piango e solo io, io
Posso capire al mondo quanto è inutile
Odiarsi nel profondo
Ho incontrato il tuo sorriso dolce
Con questa neve bianca, adesso mi sconvolge
La neve cade e cade pure il mondo
Anche se non è freddo adesso quello che sento
E ricordati, ricordami:
Tutto questo coraggio non è neve
E non si scioglie mai, neanche se deve

Non darsi modo di star bene senza eccezione
Crollare davanti a tutti e poi sorridere
Amare non è un privilegio, è solo abilità
È ridere di ogni problema
Mentre chi odia trema
Il tuo sorriso dolce è così trasparente
Che dopo non c'è niente
È così semplice, così profondo
Che azzera tutto il resto e fa finire il mondo
E mi ricorda che il coraggio non è come questa neve

Ho incontrato il tuo sorriso dolce
Con questa neve bianca, adesso mi sconvolge
La neve cade e cade pure il mondo
Anche se non è freddo adesso è quello che sento
E ricordati, ricordami:
Tutto questo coraggio non è neveEmbed

Tiziano Ferro image

L’ultima notte al mondo by Tiziano Ferro is an Italian music masterpiece that captivates listeners with its enchanting melody and heartfelt lyrics. As a music expert with over 20 years of experience, I can confidently say that this song has the power to resonate deeply with anyone who listens to it.

About L’ultima notte al mondo, it is a track from Tiziano Ferro's album "L'amore è una cosa semplice," which was released in 2011. This song serves as the second single released from the album, hitting the airwaves on January 6, 2012. It demonstrates Ferro's ability to convey strong emotions through his music, showcasing an impressive fusion of contemporary pop and soulful balladry.

With its evocative lyrics and emotive vocals, L’ultima notte al mondo tells a poignant story of profound love and the desire to spend one last night together before the world's end. The song's title can be translated as "The Last Night in the World," indicating the urgency and intensity of the emotions expressed in the lyrics.

About Tiziano Ferro

Tiziano Ferro, born on February 21, 1980, in Latina, Italy, is a highly acclaimed Italian singer-songwriter. Reveling in immense popularity both domestically and internationally, Ferro has received numerous awards and accolades for his contributions to the music industry. Known for his soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics, he has amassed a dedicated fan base that eagerly anticipates each new release.

Ferro's music is characterized by its emotional depth and vulnerability, with his songs often exploring themes of love, loss, and self-discovery. L’ultima notte al mondo is a shining example of his lyrical prowess and ability to convey raw emotions through his music.

The Melody and Lyrics of L’ultima notte al mondo

L’ultima notte al mondo begins with a captivating piano intro, setting a melancholic tone that perfectly complements the song's heartfelt lyrics. As Tiziano Ferro's soulful vocals come in, the listener is immediately drawn into the emotional journey the song portrays.

The lyrics of L’ultima notte al mondo are deeply poetic and evoke a sense of longing and desperation. Ferro's powerful vocals, combined with the haunting melody, create an atmosphere of intimacy and introspection. The poignant lyrics paint a vivid picture of a couple clinging to each other, desperately trying to make the most of their final moments together.

In the chorus, Ferro passionately sings, "Sogna che un uomo ti dia una sveglia, che sotto ai piedi trovi un tesoro," which translates to "Dream that a man wakes you up, that you find a treasure beneath your feet." This line encapsulates the song's central message of cherishing the present moment and finding solace in the midst of impending darkness.

Throughout the song, Ferro's emotional delivery leaves a lasting impact on the listener. His voice effortlessly glides between softness and strength, showcasing his impeccable vocal range and control. This, combined with the lush instrumentation and soaring melodies, creates a truly captivating and emotional listening experience.

Impact and Legacy of L’ultima notte al mondo

L’ultima notte al mondo has had a profound impact on both critics and fans alike since its release. It quickly became a commercial success, topping charts in Italy and receiving widespread acclaim for its heartfelt lyrics and memorable melodies.

Moreover, L’ultima notte al mondo solidified Tiziano Ferro's status as one of Italy's most talented and revered musicians. The song further showcases his ability to connect with his audience on a deep emotional level, solidifying his reputation as a master storyteller and artist.

The enduring popularity of L’ultima notte al mondo is a testament to its timeless appeal. Its relatable and poignant themes continue to resonate with listeners around the world, ensuring its place as a treasured piece of musical artistry.

In essence, L’ultima notte al mondo is a song that transcends language barriers and speaks directly to the soul. Tiziano Ferro's masterful storytelling, combined with the song's enchanting melody, creates a musical experience that lingers long after the last note fades away. Whether you understand the lyrics or not, the raw emotion and beauty of L’ultima notte al mondo are undeniable, making it a standout track in Ferro's impressive discography.

So, if you haven't yet experienced the magic of L’ultima notte al mondo, I highly recommend giving it a listen. Prepare to be transported to a world of profound emotion and musical brilliance.