Tokio Hotel

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Durch Den Monsun album cover

Durch Den Monsun

Tokio Hotel


[Strophe 1]
Das Fenster öffnet sich nicht mehr
Hier drin' ist es voll von dir - und leer
Und vor mir geht die letzte Kerze aus
Ich warte schon 'ne Ewigkeit
Endlich ist es jetzt so weit
Da draußen zieh'n die schwarzen Wolken auf

Ich muss durch den Monsun
Hinter die Welt
Ans Ende der Zeit
Bis kein Regen mehr fällt
Gegen den Sturm
Am Abgrund entlang
Und wenn ich nicht mehr kann, denk' ich daran:
Irgendwann laufen wir zusamm'n
Durch den Monsun
Dann wird alles gut

[Strophe 2]
'n halber Mond versinkt vor mir
War der eben noch bei dir
Und hält er wirklich was er mir verspricht
Ich weiß, dass ich dich finden kann
Hör' deinen Namen im Orkan
Ich glaub' noch mehr dran glauben kann ich nicht
Ich muss durch den Monsun
Hinter die Welt
Ans Ende der Zeit
Bis kein Regen mehr fällt
Gegen den Sturm
Am Abgrund entlang
Und wenn ich nicht mehr kann, denk' ich daran:
Irgendwann laufen wir zusamm'n
Weil uns einfach nichts mehr halten kann
Durch den Monsun

Hey! Hey!
Ich kämpf mich durch die Mächte, hinter dieser Tür
Werde sie besiegen und dann führ'n sie mich zu dir
Dann wird alles gut - Dann wird alles gut
Wird alles gut - Alles gut

Ich muss durch den Monsun
Hinter die Welt
Ans Ende der Zeit
Bis kein Regen mehr fällt
Gegen den Sturm
Am Abgrund entlang
Und wenn ich nicht mehr kann, denk' ich daran:
Irgendwann laufen wir zusamm'n
Weil uns einfach nichts mehr halten kann
Durch den Monsun
Durch den Monsun
Dann wird alles gut
Durch den Monsun
Dann wird alles gut

Tokio Hotel image

Tokio Hotel’s “Durch Den Monsun” is a song that captured the hearts of millions when it was released in 2005. With its unique sound and emotional lyrics, it quickly became a sensation in Germany and beyond. The song tells a tale of love and loss amidst a stormy relationship, complemented by powerful vocals and a memorable melody. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating history of the song, explore its impact on the music industry, and dissect its lyrical and musical elements.

About Durch Den Monsun

Released on January 1st, 2005, “Durch Den Monsun” instantly made waves in the German music scene. The music video accompanied the single's release and provided fans with a visual representation of the song's raw emotions. It's worth noting that the band and Universal Music signed a contract in March of the same year, setting the stage for Tokio Hotel's rise to fame.

One of the earliest notable performances of "Durch Den Monsun" was at a concert in Halberg on July 22nd, 2005. With an open-air stage setting, the band showcased their talent and mesmerized the audience with live renditions of "Jung Und Nicht Mehr Jugendfrei" and "Freunde Bleiben." Another significant performance took place on August 2nd, 2005, during "The Dome 35" in Erfurt, Germany, solidifying the song's popularity.

While the song was gaining traction, Tokio Hotel also performed an acoustic version of "Durch Den Monsun" on the television channel "NBC" for the "Giga" show. This particular performance, featuring Bill's voice transitioning during his pubertal change, added a unique and memorable touch to the song.

The band's presence in the music industry reached new heights with their performance at the "SWM MusiCids" event in "Gröninger Bad" in Magdeburg on September 30th, 2005. They delivered an unforgettable rendition of "Freunde Bleiben," a song also featured on their "Schrei" album.

Interestingly, "Durch Den Monsun" was recorded in two studios, one of which housed Bill's recording equipment while the band practiced for two years. This dedicated approach to perfecting their sound speaks to the passion and commitment behind Tokio Hotel's music.

November 25th, 2005 marked another significant moment for the band, as they performed both "Durch Den Monsun" and "Schrei" at the "Eins Live Krone" event held at the "König-Pilsener-Arena" in Oberhausen, Germany. This performance further solidified their status as a prominent force in the music world.

The band's journey with "Durch Den Monsun" continued into December, where they took the stage at the "Bambi" Awards Day held at the "Neue Messe" stage in Munich, Germany. The power and emotion of the song reverberated through the crowd, leaving a lasting impression on all who witnessed the performance.

The music video for "Durch Den Monsun" was a visual masterpiece, capturing the essence of the song. It gained recognition through various means, including being featured as a poster for the first special edition of the "Hey!" teenage magazine. In addition, the magazine "Popcorn" released a special edition showcasing scenes from the music video shoot, adding further excitement and anticipation among fans.

To provide fans with a deeper look into the creation of the music video, both promo shootings and a making-of clip were produced. These additional pieces of content allowed fans to gain insight into the creative process and appreciate the hard work put into bringing "Durch Den Monsun" to life.

In essence, "Durch Den Monsun" is a song that evokes strong emotions and resonates with listeners on a personal level. Tokio Hotel's passionate performances and dedication to their craft have propelled this song to become an enduring favorite among fans and a significant milestone in their career. Its captivating melody and heartfelt lyrics continue to captivate audiences, ensuring that "Durch Den Monsun" remains an important piece of musical history.

[Word Count: 550]