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Fear Inoculum album cover

Fear Inoculum



[Verse 1]
Immunity, long overdue
Contagion, I exhale you
Naive, I opened up to you
Venom and mania
Now, contagion, I exhale you

The deceiver says, he says
"You belong to me
You don't wanna breathe the light of the others
Fear the light, fear the breath
Fear the others for eternity"
But I hear them now, inhale the clarity
Hear the venom, the venom in
What you say inoculated
Bless this immunity
Bless this immunity
Bless this immunity

Exhale, expel
Recast my tale
Weave my allegorical elegy

[Verse 2]
Enumerate all that I'm to do
Calculating steps away from you
My own mitosis
Growing through division from mania
Exhale, expel
Recast my tale
Weave my allegorical elegy

Forfeit all control
You poison, you spectacle
Exorcise the spectacle
Exorcise the malady
Exorcise the disparate
Poison for eternity
Purge me and evacuate
The venom and the fear that binds me

Your veil now, lift away
I see you runnin'
Deceiver chased away
A long time comin'

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Are you a fan of Tool? If so, then you must have heard about the highly anticipated comeback song called Fear Inoculum. This song talks about defeating the one who caused misery, fear, hatred, and isolation in the speaker's life.

Fear Inoculum is an intense song that seems to be a prayer or ritual that has a theme of overcoming challenges, regardless of how hard they are. Tool's "Fear Inoculum" is nearly 11 minutes long and worth listening to. This song is an incredible sonic journey that will take you to another dimension, and it is an excellent representation of Tool's unique sound.

About Fear Inoculum

Fear Inoculum is an emotional song released by Tool in 2019. The song showcases Tool's unique sound that has made them one of the most popular bands out there. Fear Inoculum is the title track of the album with the same name and is nearly 11 minutes long.

Throughout the song, the speaker seems to confront the "Deceiver," whom they seem to blame for bringing fear, hatred, and isolation to their lives. The speaker adopts the role of an exorcist or magician, and the Deceiver is a malevolent force that the speaker must confront in order to end their suffering.

The song is heavy and features many intricate riffs and time signature changes, which keeps you engaged from start to finish. The drums, bass, and guitar in Fear Inoculum create a mesmerizing atmosphere that takes you on a journey.

Fear Inoculum's lyrics are powerful, lyrical, and quite mystical. The song's symbolism seems to be rooted in spellcasting and ritual, which gives off an eerie and haunting aura. The lyrics talk about chasing away lies, hatred, and isolation through forceful confrontation, which is a theme that runs throughout the whole song.

In the song's outro, the melody shifts into an extended instrumental, with the drums, bass, and guitar playing together in perfect harmony. This section is the perfect representation of Tool's unique sound and musicianship. Adam Jones’s guitar work is sublime, and the bass lines by Justin Chancellor are fantastic. Drummer Danny Carey's unique style and intricate drumming are in full force here.

It's clear that Tool has outdone themselves in Fear Inoculum. The music is incredibly powerful, and the lyrics convey a sense of strength and resilience that many can relate to. Fear Inoculum is a song that will resonate with fans for years to come and is a testament to Tool's enduring legacy. If you haven't already, be sure to give Fear Inoculum a listen.

In the end, Fear Inoculum is a must-listen to song that captures Tool's unique sound and style perfectly. The music, lyrics, and instrumentation create an intense and powerful atmosphere that is sure to give you goosebumps.

  • Release Date: August 7, 2019
  • Artist: Tool