TV on the Radio

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Love Dog album cover

Love Dog

TV on the Radio


[Verse 1]
Lonely little love dog that
No one knows the name of
I know why you cry out
Desperate and devout
Timid little tether
Your eyes set on the ether
Your moon in a belle Luna and
Howling hallelujah

[Verse 2]
Nameless you above me
Come lay me low and love me
This lonely little love dog
That no one knows the name of
Curse me out in free verse and
Wrap me up and reverse this
Patience is a virtue
Until its silence burns you, and

[Chorus 1]
Something slow
Has started in me as
Shameless as an ocean and
Mirrored in devotion
[Chorus 1]
Something slow
Has sparked up in me
As dog cries for a master
Sparks are whirling faster

[Chorus 2]
Lonely little love dog
That no one knows the ways of
Where the land is low is
Where the bones will show through

[Chorus 2]
Lonely little love dog
That no one knows the days of
Where the land is low is
Where the water flows to
And holds you

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Love Dog by TV on the Radio is a captivating and emotionally-driven song that offers a unique counterpoint to their earlier hit, Wolf Like Me. While Wolf Like Me was characterized by its savage guitars and lustful lyrics, Love Dog takes a different approach, dripping with tender pathos and lovelorn emotion. In this song, the howls are softer and gentler, and the protagonist is portrayed as a canine consumed by unrequited devotion rather than reciprocated desire.

About Love Dog

Love Dog, released by TV on the Radio, captivates listeners with its poignant exploration of unrequited love and longing. The song showcases a departure from the band's previous sound and lyrical themes, offering a softer, more vulnerable side of their music.

With Love Dog, TV on the Radio beautifully juxtaposes the raw energy of Wolf Like Me with a more introspective approach. The tender pathos that permeates the song is evident in both its lyrics and the emotive delivery of the band's lead vocalist. This contrast creates a captivating listening experience that engages the audience on a deeply emotional level.

The lyrics of Love Dog paint a vivid picture of a devoted protagonist, characterized as a canine, whose heartache stems from unrequited love. The metaphorical representation of the protagonist as a dog adds an additional layer of vulnerability and relatability to the song. Listeners can't help but empathize with the intense yearning and longing present in the protagonist's voice.

While Love Dog may not possess the same high-energy drive as Wolf Like Me, it shines in its ability to convey the complexities of human emotions in a softer, more introspective manner. The song's instrumentation and production contribute to its emotional impact, with delicate guitar melodies and atmospheric layers creating a rich sonic landscape.

Love Dog stands out as a testament to TV on the Radio's versatility and ability to explore a wide range of musical styles and themes. It showcases their willingness to experiment and evolve their sound while maintaining their signature emotional depth.

With its haunting melodies and heart-wrenching lyrics, Love Dog invites listeners to delve into the depths of unrequited love and reflect on their own experiences of longing and desire. The song's ability to evoke such strong emotions is a testament to the skill and artistry of TV on the Radio as both musicians and storytellers.

Love Dog is a song that rewards repeated listens, revealing new layers of meaning and emotion with each play. Its intricacies and subtleties make it a standout track in TV on the Radio's discography, captivating audiences with its ability to simultaneously tug at the heartstrings and provoke deep introspection.

Ultimately, Love Dog by TV on the Radio is a testament to the power of music to explore and express the complexities of human emotions. Whether you're a fan of the band or simply seeking a captivating and emotionally-charged listening experience, Love Dog is a song that is sure to leave a lasting impression.