Village People

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Village People album cover

Village People

Village People


4 ContributorsVillage People LyricsVillage (Village) People (People-le)
Now is the time... (right now, right now-ow)
Village (Village) People (People-le)
Your fight is mine (your fight is mine, your fight is mine, your fight is mine)
Village (Village) People (People-le)
Let's fight for the right (and do it while it's daylight)
Village (Village) People (People)
Your freedom's in sight (you'll have yourself with midnight)
Village (Village) People (People)
We can't be denied (the signs are on our side now)

Now (right now), we are one (we are o-o-one)
Take our place (take our place), In the sun (in the su-u-un)
To be free (to be free), we must be (we must be)
All for one (all for o-o-o-one)
Yes (yes), we are strong (we are stro-o-ong)
We are life (we are life), we belong (and we belong)
Do your part (do your part), Write a song (write a song)
The time has come (the time has co-o-o-ome)

Village (Village) People (People)
We know who we are (write it on the wall now)
Village (Village) People (People)
Follow your star (we're right and standing tall now)
Village (Village) People (People)
The world's gonna know (I said it's time for liberation, yeah)
Village (Village) People (People)
A force on the ground (you're known throughout the nation)
Village (Village) People (People)
So misunderstood... (in every situation)
You might also likeNow (right now), we are one (we are o-o-one)
Take our place (take our place), in the sun (in the sun)
To be free (to be free), we must be (we must be)
All for one (all for o-o-o-one)
Yes (yes), we are strong (we are stro-o-ng )
We are life (we are life), we belong (and we belong)
Do your part (do your part), Write a song (write a song)
The time has come (the time has co-o-o-ome)

Village (Village) People (People-le)
Now is the time... (right now, right now, right now)
Village (Village) People (People-le)
Your fight is mine (your fight is mine, your fight is mine, mine, mine)
Village (Village) People (People-le)
Let's fight for the right (and do it while it's daylight)
Village (Village) People (People)
Your freedom's in sight (you'll have yourself midnight, midnight)
Village (Village) People (People)
We can't be denied (can't, write it, it's on the wall, it's on the wall)
Village (Village) People (People)
We know who we are (I said we're right and standing tall, yeah)
Village (Village) People (People)
Follow your star (we know who we are, time for liberation)
Village (Village) People (People)
The world's gonna knowEmbed

Village People image

Village People is a classic disco-era song that has become ubiquitous in popular culture. Instantly recognizable and fun, the song has a timeless quality to it that has kept it relevant even decades after its release. In this article, we will explore the history of Village People and the many ways in which it has captured the hearts and imaginations of music lovers around the world.

About Village People

Village People is a song from the similarly named American disco group, which was formed in 1977. The song was released as a single from their self-titled debut album in 1978, and it became an immediate sensation. It quickly climbed to the top of the charts and cemented the Village People as one of the most iconic music acts of the decade.

The song itself is a catchy, upbeat disco track that is instantly recognizable thanks to its signature opening riff and memorable chorus. The lyrics are fun and playful, telling the story of the different types of people you might encounter in a bustling city like New York. The song celebrates diversity and encourages listeners to embrace their individuality, which is one of the reasons why it has remained so popular even to this day.

What makes Village People so special is the way in which it unites people from all walks of life. The song is a celebration of diversity, and it has become an anthem for the LGBTQ+ community in particular. The Village People were known for their flamboyant stage costumes and over-the-top performances, which only added to their appeal among fans. For many people, Village People represented a sense of liberation and empowerment, and their music helped to create a sense of community among marginalized groups.

Over the years, Village People has been covered by countless artists and has been used in numerous movies, television shows, and commercials. The song is so ubiquitous in popular culture that it's hard to imagine a world without it. It has become an instantly recognizable piece of music that transcends time and genre.

In many ways, Village People has come to represent the spirit of the disco era itself. It was a time when people were looking to have fun and let loose, and the Village People embodied that spirit perfectly. Their music was infectious, and their shows were always a spectacle. They embraced their unique brand of camp and never shied away from being a little over-the-top. In doing so, they created something truly special that will always be remembered as an essential part of music history.

In short, Village People is an iconic piece of disco history that has lived on through the ages. It's a fun, catchy song that celebrates diversity and encourages listeners to embrace their individuality. It's a testament to the power of music to bring people together, and it will always hold a special place in the hearts of music lovers everywhere.