Walker Hayes

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​​​if father time had a daughter album cover

​​​if father time had a daughter

Walker Hayes


Two, three, four

[Verse 1]
Saturday sleep late, bed head smile
Daddy daughter date down the cereal aisle
Shopping cart ride with my Goldilocks
Little arms wrapped 'round a Lucky Charms box
Right there, that's my world
Father Time must've never had a little girl
I know I'm gonna blink and I'm gonna be a mess
When that Cinderella shirt is a wedding dress

And they gon' play that song, it's so bittersweet
And I'll remember her in her little bare feet
Dancing on her toes on my boots
I'ma try not to cry, but shoot
Y'all gon' have to give me a brеak if you see a few tears
Thesе are just some really, really, really good years
I bet daddy's girls would stay little a little bit longer
If Father Time had a daughter

[Verse 2]
Y'all, I can't wait to meet who she becomes
Yeah, I know, she can't stay forever young
Hell, I pray for the guy that gets to lift that veil
But I'm even gonna miss letting her paint my nails
When they play that song, it's so bittersweet (So bittersweet)
And I'll remember her in her little bare feet (In her little bare feet)
Dancing on her toes on my boots
I'ma try not to cry, but shoot
Y'all gon' have to give me a break if you see a few tears (If you see a few tears)
These are just some really, really, really good years (Just some really good years)
I bet daddy's girls would stay little a little bit longer
If Father Time had a daughter

Yeah, slow it on down, down, down
Have mercy on a girl dad
Yeah, I know before I know it, I'ma turn around
And it's gonna hurt bad

When they play that song, it's so bittersweet
And I'll remember her in her little bare feet
Dancing on her toes on my boots
I'ma try not to cry, but shoot
Y'all gon' have to give me a break if you see a few tears (If you see a few tears)
These are just some some really, really, really good years (Just some really good years)
I bet daddy's girls would stay little a little bit longer
If Father Time had a daughterEmbed

Walker Hayes image

If Father Time Had a Daughter is a heartwarming and emotional country ballad composed by Walker Hayes. It is a song that invokes a bittersweet feeling, as it speaks of the universal truth that time never stops and how we all wish we could have more time with the people we love. The song captivates the listeners with its poignant lyrics, exceptional vocals, and a beautiful melody that lingers in your mind long after the music stops.

About ​​​if father time had a daughter

If Father Time Had a Daughter is a song that portrays the passage of time and imagines a scenario where time's pure essence is personified. The song's lyrics describe how if Father Time had a daughter, she would make time seem less fleeting and more worth cherishing. Furthermore, Hayes's lyrics depict a truly relatable story of how everyone has to bid farewell to their loved ones at some point in their life. Thus, the song urges its listeners to value every moment they have with the important people in their life.

The song's opening lines showcase Hayes's outstanding songwriting skills, "If father time had a daughter, would I finally get some water, from the well we used to draw from every day?" The lyrics are meaningful and melancholic, conjuring a nostalgic feeling of past memories and lost loves. The song talks about how time moves swiftly, and sometimes it feels like we don't have enough time for ourselves or the people that we love the most.

The chorus of the song goes as, "If Father Time had a daughter She'd know what we're here for She'd slow him down, and we'd have more Time with dad and daughter," encapsulating the entire essence of the song's meaning. The lyrics speak of a world where time is no longer a constraint, and we have unlimited time to spend with our loved ones. The song paints a picture of a father and daughter sharing precious moments together and cherishing their time with each other.

The song's second verse details how we would have all the time in the world if Father Time had a daughter, we could build our lives without any rush and cherish every moment spent with our loved ones. The lyrics go as, "If Father Time had a daughter, we wouldn't have to do our work right after We'd have a moment for every chapter But time is tight, so let's make laughter."

Walker Hayes is known for his impeccable vocals and singing style, adding weight to the song's already poignant lyrics. The song's melody blends modern and country music, creating a unique and unforgettable listening experience for its listeners.

In terms of composition, the song possesses a balance between a slow and soothing melody and crisp and intense music as the song progresses. It makes room for a captivating vocal style that complements the melancholic lyrics perfectly. The music composition is hushed and subdued, allowing the listener to experience a personal connection with the song's heartfelt lyrics.

The song ​​​if Father Time Had a Daughter by Walker Hayes speaks about the universal truth of the passing of time with its beautiful lyrics and captivating melody. It reminds the listeners of the importance of cherishing the time they have with their loved ones and creating memories that will last a lifetime. The song is a masterpiece that showcases Hayes's exemplary songwriting skills, exceptional vocals, and versatile singing style, making it worthy of a place in every music lover's playlist.