X Ambassadors

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X Ambassadors


3 ContributorsBrother LyricsWhen it's all said and done
And you're a little worse for wear
And it hurts having someone take care of you
Never let you go
Never let you go
Even when the madness has broken you apart
I used to believe
That all the absence of color
Would make a difference to my red, red heart
But my perspective has changed
Since I drove you away
But baby everybody's gotta move
Everyone's gotta move sometimes
And I won't see it
Even if I know it's there
Never let you go
Never let you go
Even when the madness has broken you apart
But I'll never let you know
I'll never, I'll never
But I'll never let you know
I'll never let you know
I used to be free
Of any fear of emotion
But these skeletons got ways of coming out
I used to believe
That someday you'd see
That baby you got devotion in every little motion
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When the rain's coming down
Never let you go
Never let you go
Even when the madness has broken you apart
Even when the madness has broken you apart

But I'll never let you know
I'll never, I'll never
But I'll never let you know
I'll never let you know (2x)

I will wait
For the day you come home
And it hurts to see you all over again
Never ever let you go
Never let you go
Even when the madness has broken you apart

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Brother by X Ambassadors is a powerful and emotionally charged song that captivates listeners with its raw intensity and introspective lyrics. This indie rock anthem is a standout track from the band's EP, which was released in 2017. With its haunting melodies and poignant storytelling, Brother takes listeners on a journey of self-reflection and explores themes of family, friendship, and personal growth.

About Brother

Brother opens with a distinctive sound that bears a resemblance to the beginning of Litost, another track that appeared earlier on X Ambassadors' EP. This intriguing similarity establishes a sense of continuity within the music, tying the songs together and creating a cohesive listening experience. It also demonstrates the band's ability to craft a distinct sonic identity while still exploring different emotions and themes.

Lyrically, Brother delves into the complexities of family relationships, particularly the bond between siblings. The song explores the dynamics of this relationship, acknowledging both the unconditional love and the struggles that come with it. Through heartfelt and introspective lyrics, X Ambassadors invite listeners to reflect on their own familial connections and the impact they have had on their lives.

The verses of Brother are filled with vivid imagery and poetic storytelling, painting a picture of the band's personal experiences and emotions. The lyrics evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing, with lines such as "And you know what they say, 'Forever ain't ever easy'" and "We were birds on a wire, trying to make it through the night." These poignant words resonate with listeners and evoke a range of emotions, from melancholy to hope.

As the song progresses, the chorus of Brother emerges with powerful and anthemic vocals that soar above the instrumentation. The repeated refrain of "Oh brother, I still feel your touch" becomes a rallying cry, encapsulating the yearning for connection and the desire for reconciliation. This chorus serves as a cathartic release, allowing listeners to channel their own emotions through the music.

Musically, Brother showcases the band's versatility and musical prowess. X Ambassadors blend elements of rock, pop, and alternative genres to create a unique sound that is both intricate and accessible. The instrumentation is dynamic, with driving guitar riffs, pulsating drums, and rich layers of synths that create a captivating sonic landscape. The production of the song is polished yet retains a raw edge, adding depth and intensity to the overall sound.

One of the standout moments in Brother is the bridge, where the music takes a temporary pause, and lead singer Sam Harris delivers a mesmerizing spoken-word section. This moment of vulnerability and introspection adds another layer of depth to the song, showcasing the band's willingness to experiment with different musical elements and push boundaries.

Throughout Brother, X Ambassadors display their mastery of crafting catchy melodies that stick in the minds of listeners. The song is a perfect blend of infectious hooks and thought-provoking lyrics, making it a standout track in their discography. Brother is a testament to the band's ability to engage listeners on both an emotional and musical level, leaving a lasting impression long after the song ends.

In its essence, Brother is an anthem of resilience, reminding us of the importance of family bonds and the power of forgiveness. It serves as a poignant reminder that even amidst challenges and differences, the love between siblings can withstand the test of time. X Ambassadors, with their heartfelt lyrics and powerful musicality, invite listeners to reflect on their own relationships and find solace in the shared human experience portrayed in the song.

In sum, Brother by X Ambassadors is a captivating and introspective song that explores the complexities of family relationships. With its powerful lyrics, dynamic instrumentation, and infectious melodies, this indie rock anthem resonates with listeners on a deep and emotional level. Whether you're reflecting on your own sibling bonds or simply appreciating the raw talent of X Ambassadors, Brother is a must-listen track that will leave a lasting impact.