X Ambassadors

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X Ambassadors


11 ContributorsLitost LyricsWhat have I done
With my heart on the floor
I must be out of my mind
To come back begging for more
But if you stay
If you just stay for the night
Swear that I'm yours
And I'll prove that I'm right
And these flies kept me sleeping
All my fears on their wings
And your grandfather clock is still ticking
But the chime never rings
And how long must I stay
Will I lay by your side
Just to say that I'm yours
And you'll never be mine

With this love like a hole
Swallowed my soul
Dragging me down
And there's blood on the covers
From the curses we uttered
To each other
You played your part in this

Why play hide-and-go-seek
Safe behind your veneer
Does it bury your burden baby
Makes it all dissapear
And those marks on your thighs
Don't they sting when you bleed
It's the way that you are
And the way I'll forever be
See X Ambassadors LiveGet tickets as low as $49You might also likeWith this love like a hole
Swallowed my soul
Dragging me down
And there's blood on the covers
From the curses we uttered
To each other
You played your part
With this love like a hole
Swallowed my soul
Dragging me down
And I swear I'll stay with you
But I just can't forgive you
And I'll never be whole again

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Have you ever come across a word that captures a complex mix of emotions that seems difficult to define in just one term? That's exactly what the Czech word "litost" represents. "Litost" can encompass feelings of self-pity, pity, misery, sorrow, heartache, and regret, depending on the context in which it is used. And it is this multi-faceted word that serves as the inspiration for the song "Litost" by X Ambassadors.

In his novel, Milan Kundera provides a profound explanation of "litost" as a state of torment caused by a sudden realization of one's own misery. It is like a relentless two-stroke engine, where torment is followed by a desire for revenge. The goal of revenge is to make one's partner feel equally miserable, creating a twisted sense of equality in the relationship. If the partner is weaker, finding an excuse to hurt them becomes a means of satisfaction. But when the partner is stronger, the only option left is to seek indirect revenge, a kind of self-destructive act that aims to bring the relationship crashing down.

The lyrics of "Litost" vividly depict the predicament of a couple trapped in this vicious cycle of litost. Both parties are aware of the unhappiness and toxicity of their relationship, yet they seem unable or unwilling to break free. The singer acknowledges the misery they feel, caused not only by their partner but also by their own actions. It is a self-destructive dance where hurting each other becomes the sad way of keeping their love alive, tarnishing any chance of finding true happiness.

The concept of litost resonates deeply in the song, and the X Ambassadors capture its essence through their emotional and powerful performance. The lyrics convey the pain and regret, the longing for something better, and the frustration of being caught in a seemingly never-ending loop of misery and hurt.

But what truly sets "Litost" apart is the band's ability to combine such potent emotions with a captivating musical arrangement. The song starts with a haunting piano melody, setting a somber and reflective tone right from the beginning. As the vocals enter, they carry a raw vulnerability that is both intimate and relatable. The instrumentation gradually builds, incorporating elements of alternative rock and pop, adding depth and intensity to the overall sound.

The chorus becomes a cathartic release, with the lead singer pouring his heart out and expressing the overwhelming litost that consumes him. The energy and emotion in his voice are palpable, drawing the audience into the dark depths of his despair. It's a musical journey that becomes more intense with every beat, as if echoing the escalating torment within the relationship.

Throughout the song, X Ambassadors demonstrate their mastery of dynamics, seamlessly transitioning between quieter verses and explosive choruses. This dynamic range mirrors the fluctuating emotions of litost, capturing the fragile balance between self-pity, hurt, and the desire for revenge.

The lyrics also reveal a nuanced understanding of litost beyond its immediate impact on relationships. While the focus is on the turmoil within a couple, the underlying message applies to various aspects of life. It exposes the destructive nature of clinging to toxic situations, the self-inflicted wounds that arise from refusing to let go, and the twisted mindset that seeks comfort in shared misery rather than striving for genuine happiness.

Through their exploration of litost, X Ambassadors confront the complexities of human emotions and relationships, shedding light on the darker aspects of love and self-destruction. "Litost" serves as a reminder of the importance of recognizing toxic patterns, breaking free from damaging cycles, and seeking healthier and more fulfilling connections.

Ultimately, the song encapsulates the power of music to offer solace, catharsis, and understanding. It provides a vehicle for people to connect with their own experiences of litost, finding comfort in the knowledge that they are not alone in their struggles. X Ambassadors deliver a captivating performance that leaves a lasting impact, inviting listeners to reflect on their own relationships and the choices they make in pursuit of happiness.

About Litost by X Ambassadors

"Litost" by X Ambassadors is a poignant exploration of the complex emotions captured by the Czech word "litost." It reflects the torment created by one's own misery and the cyclical pattern of hurting one's partner in an attempt to find solace. The lyrics and powerful musical arrangement encapsulate the essence of litost, immersing the listener in the intense emotions of regret, sorrow, and self-pity. X Ambassadors' ability to masterfully blend raw vulnerability with dynamic instrumentation makes "Litost" a captivating and evocative musical journey. Through this introspective song, the band emphasizes the importance of recognizing toxic patterns in relationships and seeking healthier connections for genuine happiness.