Édith Piaf

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Hymn To Love

Édith Piaf


4 ContributorsHymn To Love LyricsIf the sky should fall into the sea
And the stars fade all around me
For the times that we have known here
I will sing a hymn to love

We have lived and dreamed, we two alone
In a world that seemed our very own
With it's memory ever grateful
Just for you, I'll sing a hymn to love

I remember each embrace
The smile that lights your face
And my heart begins to sing
Your arms, the hands secure
Your eyes that said, "Be sure"
And my heart begins to sing

If one day we had to say goodbye
And our love were to fade away and die
In my heart you will remain dear
I will sing a hymn to love

Those who love will live eternally
In the blue, where all is harmony
With my voice raised high to heaven
Just for you, I'll sing a hymn to love

Édith Piaf image

Édith Piaf, also known as the Sparrow, was a remarkable French singer who started her career as a struggling artist, singing on the streets of Paris just to make ends meet. Following in the footsteps of her mother, Piaf's talent and vivacious personality propelled her to become a massive star in France, and her fame soon spread across the globe. Her incredible journey is beautifully captured in her heartfelt composition, "Hymn to Love."

"Hymn to Love" is a touching tribute that Piaf wrote for the love of her life, the celebrated boxer Marcel Cerdan, whom she met and married. The song, with music composed by Marguerite Monnot, holds a special place in Piaf's discography, as it tells the story of her deep affection and devotion towards Cerdan. It was on September 14th, 1949, in New York City that Piaf first graced the stage with this beautiful composition.

Tragically, only a month after performing "Hymn to Love" in New York, Piaf's blissful union with Cerdan came to an abrupt end. On October 28th, 1949, Marcel Cerdan's plane crashed during his journey from Paris to New York to be with Piaf. The fourth verse of the song became an eerie foretelling of the tragic fate that awaited the couple, adding an even deeper layer of meaning to this melancholic masterpiece.

Aside from the English version, there is also a mesmerizing French rendition of "Hymn to Love" with the title translated to "Hymne à l'amour." This alternative version further showcases Piaf's versatility and her ability to touch the hearts of listeners, regardless of the language.

About Hymn To Love

"Hymn to Love" is an emotive ballad that encapsulates the profound love and longing that Édith Piaf felt towards her beloved Marcel Cerdan. As one listens to the song, they are instantly transported to a world filled with both joy and sorrow, as Piaf's heartfelt lyrics and soul-stirring vocals paint a vivid picture of love's complexities.

The lyrics of "Hymn to Love" delve deep into the depths of Piaf's heart, expressing her unwavering devotion and the pain that accompanied the loss of her soulmate. The verses reflect the bittersweet nature of love, capturing the essence of both its ecstasy and its wistful yearning. Piaf's ability to convey raw emotion is truly awe-inspiring, as she effortlessly evokes empathy and resonates with listeners on a profoundly personal level.

The melody crafted by Marguerite Monnot complements Piaf's lyrics perfectly, elevating the emotional impact of the song. The instrumentation, with its delicate piano and sweeping orchestration, creates a timeless and hauntingly beautiful ambiance that enhances the overall sentiment of "Hymn to Love."

Édith Piaf's incomparable vocal delivery further elevates the song to greatness. Her voice, both powerful and vulnerable, showcases the depth of her emotions and serves as a testament to her undeniable talent. With each note and inflection, Piaf invites the listener to experience her journey, conjuring images of love's triumphant highs and agonizing lows.

"Hymn to Love" is an enduring testament to the power of music as a means of catharsis and self-expression. This poignant composition serves as a lasting tribute to the love that Piaf shared with Marcel Cerdan, capturing the essence of their profound connection and the tragedy that marked its untimely end.

As we listen to Édith Piaf's heartfelt rendition of "Hymn to Love," we are reminded of the beauty and fragility of human emotions. This song stands as a timeless testament to the enduring power of love, serving as a poignant reminder that even in loss, our love and devotion can forever be immortalized through the power of music.

Experience the beauty and pain of Édith Piaf's "Hymn to Love," and allow yourself to be transported to a world of deep emotion and unwavering devotion.