Édith Piaf

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Hymne à l’amour album cover

Hymne à l’amour

Édith Piaf


9 ContributorsHymne à l’amour LyricsLe ciel bleu, sur nous, peut s’effondrer
Et la terre peut bien s’écrouler
Peu m’importe, si tu m’aimes
Je me fous du monde entier
Tant qu'l’amour, inondera mes matins
Tant qu'mon corps frémira sous tes mains
Peu m’importent les problèmes
Mon amour, puisque tu m’aimes
J’irais jusqu'au bout du monde
Je me ferais teindre en blonde
Si tu me le demandais
J’irais décrocher la lune
J’irais voler la fortune
Si tu me le demandais
Je renierais ma patrie
Je renierais mes amis
Si tu me le demandais
On peut bien rire de moi
Je ferais n’importe quoi
Si tu me le demandais
Si un jour, la vie t’arrache à moi
Si tu meurs, que tu sois loin de moi
Peu m’importe, si tu m’aimes
Car moi, je mourrai aussi
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Dans le bleu, de toute l’immensité
Dans le ciel, plus de problèmes
Mon amour, crois-tu, qu’on s’aime ?
Dieu réunit, ceux qui s’aiment !

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Are you a fan of deeply romantic and famous love songs that touch the depths of your soul? If so, then you're in for a treat with "Hymne à l'amour" by the legendary Édith Piaf. This timeless gem, which translates to "Hymn to Love" in English, was written by Piaf herself, along with Marguerite Monnot. It holds a special place in Piaf's heart as it was dedicated to her lover and the love of her life, the French boxer Marcel Cerdan. Let's delve into the captivating story behind this iconic song and discover its profound impact on music history.

About Hymne à l’amour

"Hymne à l'amour," a poignant French love ballad, was first introduced to the world by Edith Piaf on September 14th, 1949, during her performance in the vibrant city of New York. This heartfelt composition was born out of the intense emotions Piaf held for her beloved, Marcel Cerdan. Little did she know that tragedy was about to strike.

Just over a month after her emotional rendition of "Hymne à l'amour," Marcel Cerdan tragically lost his life in a plane crash. He was on his way from Paris to New York, aiming to be reunited with his cherished Piaf. The news shattered Piaf, leaving her devastated and heartbroken. In an attempt to immortalize their love and pay tribute to her fallen partner, she went on to record the song on May 2, 1950, ensuring that their love would live on through the power of music.

Listening to "Hymne à l'amour" is embarking on a journey of profound emotions. Piaf's soulful voice effortlessly conveys the depths of her love and the longing she feels for her departed lover. Each note envelops the listener, drawing them into a world where love is both exhilarating and heartrending.

The song's lyrics beautifully capture the bittersweet nature of love. Piaf's heartfelt words express her unwavering commitment and devotion to her beloved. With poignant lines like "Le ciel bleu sur nous peut s'effondrer" (The blue sky can collapse above us) and "Je t’aimais, je t’aime, et je t’aimerai" (I loved you, I love you, and I will love you), the song resonates with anyone who has ever experienced the joys and sorrows of a deep love.

What sets "Hymne à l'amour" apart from other love songs is its ability to evoke a raw, intimate connection with the listener. Piaf's powerful voice, filled with vulnerability and emotion, transcends language barriers and touches the hearts of people from all walks of life. It serves as a testament to the universal language of love, which can be felt and understood by people across the globe.

This iconic song has left an indelible mark on music history, having been covered by numerous artists over the years. From Frank Sinatra to Celine Dion, each rendition brings a unique interpretation to the timeless masterpiece. Piaf's influence cannot be overstated, as her musical legacy continues to inspire generations of artists to this day.

Whether you're a devoted fan of Édith Piaf or an avid lover of romantic ballads, "Hymne à l'amour" is sure to captivate your heart and ignite your emotions. It's a testament to the power of love, reminding us that even in the face of tragedy, love has the ability to transcend time and leave an everlasting impact on our souls.

So, why not take a moment to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of "Hymne à l'amour"? Let the mesmerizing melodies and heartfelt lyrics wash over you, transporting you to a place where love knows no boundaries.