Édith Piaf

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Hymne à l’amour album cover

Hymne à l’amour

Édith Piaf


6 ContributorsHymne à l’amour LyricsLe ciel bleu sur nous peut s'effrondrer
Et la terre peut bien s'écrouler
Peu m'importe si tu m'aimes
Je me fous du monde entier
Tant que l'amour inondera mes matins
Tant que mon corps frémira sous tes mains
Peu m'importent les problèmes
Mon amour, puisque tu m'aimes...

J'irais jusqu'au bout du monde
Je me ferias teindre en blonde
Si tu me la demandais
J'irais decrocher la lune
J'irais voler la fortune
Si tu me le demandais...
Je renierais ma patrie
Je renierais mes amis
Si tu me la demandais...
On peut bien rire de moi
Je ferias n'importe quoi

Je ferias n'importe quoi
Si tu me le demandais...

Si un jour la vie t'arrache à moi
Si tu meurs, que tu sois loin de moi
Peu m'importe, si tu m'aimes
Car moi je mourrai aussi...
Nous aurons pour nous l'èternitè
Dans le bleu de toute l'immensitè
Dans le ciel, plus de problèmes
Mon amour, crois-tu qu'on s'aime?...
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Are you ready to be serenaded by the heavenly voice of Josh Groban? Look no further than his mesmerizing rendition of "Hymne à l’amour." This timeless classic has captured the hearts of millions around the world with its poignant melody and heartfelt lyrics. In this comprehensive description, we will delve into the depths of this remarkable song, exploring its origins, significance, and the emotions it evokes.

About Hymne à l’amour

"Hymne à l’amour" is a French ballad that was originally composed by Marguerite Monnot, with lyrics by Edith Piaf, one of the most revered French singers of all time. The song was first released in 1949, and it quickly became one of Piaf's signature tunes, captivating audiences with its powerful emotional resonance.

Josh Groban, known for his exceptional vocal range and ability to convey deep emotions through his music, has beautifully reimagined "Hymne à l’amour" in his own unique style. With his rich and soulful voice, Groban adds a new layer of depth and passion to this already iconic song, showcasing his exceptional talent as an interpreter of music.

The song's lyrics tell a poignant tale of love and longing, as Piaf's words weave a narrative of a love that transcends time and distance. The beauty of "Hymne à l’amour" lies not only in its lyrical content but also in the raw emotion that is infused into every note sung by Josh Groban.

As you listen to Groban's rendition, you can't help but be swept away by the sheer beauty and vulnerability of his voice. Each word is filled with sincerity and tenderness, touching the deepest corners of your heart and leaving you feeling a sense of pure, unadulterated emotion.

From the soaring highs to the gentle whispers, Groban effortlessly navigates the song's dynamic range, creating a captivating musical journey for the listener. The lush orchestration perfectly complements his vocals, adding a touch of grandeur to the already enchanting melody.

But what truly sets this rendition apart is Groban's ability to connect with the audience on a personal level. His earnest delivery and heartfelt interpretation of the song's lyrics make you feel as if he is singing directly to you, evoking a sense of intimacy and vulnerability.

Despite being a translation of the original French lyrics, Groban's performance stays true to the essence and spirit of Piaf's creation. He captures the essence of love, longing, and devotion, allowing the music to transcend language barriers and resonate with listeners from all walks of life.

With his rendition of "Hymne à l’amour," Josh Groban proves once again that he is a master storyteller. Through his powerful vocals and impeccable interpretation, he takes us on a journey of love, loss, and the enduring power of affection. Each note is imbued with a sense of longing and hope, leaving an indelible mark on our souls.

Whether you are a longtime fan of Josh Groban or encountering his music for the first time, "Hymne à l’amour" is a song that will undoubtedly captivate and move you. So, take a moment to immerse yourself in the beauty of this timeless classic and let the enchanting voice of Groban transport you to a world of love and emotion.