Édith Piaf

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L’accordéoniste album cover


Édith Piaf


[Couplet 1]
La fille de joie est belle, au coin d'la rue là-bas
Elle a une clientèle qui lui remplit son bas
Quand son boulot s'achève, elle s'en va à son tour
Chercher un peu de rêve, dans un bal du faubourg
Son homme est un artiste, c'est un drôle de p'tit gars
Un accordéoniste qui sait jouer la java

Elle écoute la java, mais elle ne la danse pas
Elle ne regarde même pas la piste
Et ses yeux amoureux suivent le jeu nerveux
Et les doigts secs et longs de l'artiste
Ça lui rentre dans la peau, par le bas, par le haut
Elle a envie d'chanter, c'est physique
Tout son être est tendu, son souffle est suspendu
C'est une vraie tordue de la musique

[Couplet 2]
La fille de joie est triste, au coin d'la rue là-bas
Son accordéoniste, il est parti soldat
Quand il reviendra de la guerre, ils prendront une maison
Elle sera la caissière et lui, sera le patron
Que la vie sera belle, ils seront de vrais pachas
Et tous les soirs pour elle, il jouera la java
Elle écoute la java qu'elle fredonne tout bas
Elle revoit son accordéoniste
Et ses yeux amoureux, suivent le jeu nerveux
Et les doigts secs et longs de l'artiste
Ça lui rentre dans la peau, par le bas, par le haut
Elle a envie de pleurer, c'est physique
Tout son être est tendu, son souffle est suspendu
C'est une vraie tordue de la musique

[Couplet 3]
La fille de joie est seule, au coin d'la rue là-bas
Les filles qui font la gueule, les hommes n'en veulent pas
Et tant pis si elle crève, son homme ne r'viendra plus
Adieux tous les beaux rêves, sa vie, elle est foutue
Pourtant ses jambes tristes, l'emmènent au boui-boui
Où y'a un autre artiste qui joue toute la nuit

Elle écoute la java, elle entend la java
Elle a fermé les yeux, les doigts secs et nerveux
Ça lui rentre dans la peau, par le bas, par le haut
Elle a envie d'gueuler, c'est physique
Alors pour oublier, elle s'est mise à danser, à tourner
Au son de la musique
Arrêtez, arrêtez la musiqueEmbed

Édith Piaf image

When it comes to French music, few names are as iconic as Édith Piaf. Known for her soulful and emotive voice, Piaf is often hailed as one of the greatest performers in the history of chanson. Among her extensive discography, one song stands out as both a powerful ballad and a tribute to the working class - "L'accordéoniste."

About L’accordéoniste

Released in 1955, "L'accordéoniste" tells the story of a woman who falls in love with an accordionist. The song's lyrics evoke a sense of longing, heartbreak, and nostalgia as the protagonist narrates her journey from youthful innocence to the struggles of adulthood.

The song begins with a melancholic accordion melody, instantly setting the emotional tone for the rest of the track. Piaf's vocals enter, carrying the weight of the lyrics with a raw and emotive power. As she sings, her voice trembles with a mixture of vulnerability and strength, perfectly capturing the essence of the song's narrative.

Throughout "L'accordéoniste," Piaf's poetic storytelling is at its finest. With each verse, she weaves a tale that resonates with listeners on a deep and personal level. The song explores themes of love, loss, and the passing of time, all while showcasing Piaf's remarkable ability to convey complex emotions through her voice.

"L'accordéoniste" is a testament to Piaf's unique style and talent. Her voice is rich with emotion, her delivery impeccable, and her ability to convey deep meaning through music unparalleled. It is no wonder that this song has become an enduring classic, loved by audiences around the world.

One of the standout elements of "L'accordéoniste" is the instrumentation. Accordion, as the titular instrument, plays a central role in the song's overall sound. The melancholic melodies produced by the accordion serve as the backbone of the track, intensifying the emotional impact of Piaf's vocals.

Another notable aspect of "L'accordéoniste" is Piaf's vocal performance. Renowned for her unique timbre and expressive delivery, Piaf brings her undeniable talent to this song. Her voice effortlessly shifts between deep longing and heartbreaking vulnerability, captivating listeners from start to finish.

The lyrics of "L'accordéoniste" further enhance the song's emotional depth. Written by Michel Emer, the words paint a vivid picture of love, heartache, and sacrifice. The protagonist's longing for the accordionist and her eventual acceptance of her fate create a poignant narrative that resonates with listeners of all backgrounds.

What makes "L'accordéoniste" truly remarkable is its ability to transcend language barriers. Even for those who may not understand French, Piaf's heartfelt delivery and the haunting melodies of the accordion transcend mere words, evoking a wide range of emotions that are universally felt.

Over the years, "L'accordéoniste" has become a timeless classic in Piaf's repertoire. Its enduring popularity can be attributed to its ability to capture the essence of the human experience - the joy, the pain, and the longing that are part of every individual's journey.

As we listen to "L'accordéoniste" today, we are transported to a different time and place, a world where love and music intertwine to create something truly extraordinary. Through her powerful vocals and poetic storytelling, Édith Piaf immortalizes the story of the accordionist and reminds us of the eternal power of music.