Édith Piaf

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L’homme à la moto album cover

L’homme à la moto

Édith Piaf


4 ContributorsL’homme à la moto LyricsIl portait des culottes, des bottes de moto
Un blouson de cuir noir avec un aigle sur le dos
Sa moto qui partait comme un boulet de canon
Semait la terreur dans toute la région
Jamais il ne se coiffait, jamais il ne se lavait
Les ongles pleins de cambouis mais sur les biceps il avait
Un tatouage avec un coeur bleu sur la peau bleme
Et juste à l`intérieur, on lisait: `Maman je t`aime`
Il avait une petite amie du nom de Marie-Lou
On la prenait en pitié, une enfant de son âge
Car tout le monde savait bien qu`il aimait entre tout
Sa chienne de moto bien davantage
Il portait des culottes, des bottes de moto
Un blouson de cuir noir avec un aigle sur le dos
Sa moto qui partait comme un boulet de canon
Semait la terreur dans toute la région
Marie-Lou la pauvre fille l`implora, le supplia
Dit: `Ne pars pas ce soir, je vais pleurer si tu t`en vas`
Mais les mots furent perdus, ses larmes pareillement
Dans le bruit de la machine et du tuyau d`échappement
Il bondit comme un diable avec des flammes dans les yeux
Au passage à niveau, ce fut comme un éclair de feu
Contre une locomotive qui filait vers le midi
Et quand on débarrassa les débris
On trouva sa culotte, ses bottes de moto
Son blouson de cuir noir avec un aigle sur le dos
Mais plus rien de la moto et plus rien de ce démon
Qui semait la terreur dans toute la régionYou might also likeEmbed

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L'homme à la moto by Édith Piaf is a song that captures the essence of rebellion and freedom. With its powerful lyrics and passionate delivery, it has become an iconic piece in Piaf's discography. This song, which translates to "The Man on the Motorcycle," tells a story of a woman yearning for a life filled with excitement and adventure, beyond the limitations society has placed upon her.

Édith Piaf, known as the "Little Sparrow," was a French singer-songwriter who rose to fame in the mid-20th century. She was renowned for her emotional performances and captivating voice that touched the hearts of millions around the world. L'homme à la moto is just one example of Piaf's ability to portray deep emotions through her music.

About L'homme à la moto

L'homme à la moto was written by Jean Dréjac and Manou Roblin, with music composed by Georges Liferman. Released in 1956, this song quickly became a hit and remains one of Piaf's most beloved pieces. The song tells the story of a woman who falls in love with a man on a motorcycle, symbolizing the allure of a life outside of societal norms. It speaks to the desire for freedom, independence, and a willingness to break free from conventional expectations.

With its energetic and rebellious tone, L'homme à la moto encapsulates the spirit of the 1950s, a time when cultural shifts were taking place, particularly in regards to gender roles. The song resonated with many individuals who longed for a life beyond traditional boundaries, and it became an anthem for those who dared to dream bigger.

Édith Piaf's rendition of L'homme à la moto is nothing short of captivating. Her powerful vocals, accompanied by a lively orchestration, breathe life into the song's narrative. Piaf's distinctive voice adds an extra layer of emotion, as if the longing for freedom expressed in the lyrics is emanating directly from her soul.

As the song progresses, Piaf's delivery becomes increasingly impassioned, further conveying the protagonist's yearning for a life outside of her current reality. It is a performance filled with both vulnerability and strength, drawing the listener into the world of the song and igniting their own desires for liberation.

The lyrics of L'homme à la moto are poetic and thought-provoking. They paint a vivid picture of a woman's desires and frustrations, while also capturing the essence of the era in which the song was created. Lines such as "Nous, les poupées de chiffon, on pense, on pense, on pense..." ("We, the rag dolls, we think, we think, we think...") encapsulate the struggle faced by many women during this time period who yearned for autonomy and the ability to make their own choices.

What makes L'homme à la moto truly remarkable is its ability to transcend time. Despite being released over six decades ago, the themes explored in the song remain relevant today. The desire for self-expression, freedom, and the pursuit of one's dreams are universal concepts that resonate with individuals from all walks of life.

Furthermore, the song's catchy melody and energetic rhythm make it a joy to listen to. L'homme à la moto offers a perfect blend of emotional depth and musicality, ensuring that it continues to captivate audiences for generations to come.

In summation, L'homme à la moto is an emotionally charged and rebellious song by legendary French singer Édith Piaf. With its powerful lyrics, passionate delivery, and lively orchestration, it remains a timeless anthem for those who long for a life beyond societal expectations. Through her performance, Piaf captures the essence of the protagonist's yearning for freedom and independence, making the song relatable and impactful. L'homme à la moto is a testament to Piaf's unparalleled talent and ability to convey emotions through her music, solidifying her status as one of the greatest singers of all time.