Édith Piaf

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T’es beau, tu sais album cover

T’es beau, tu sais

Édith Piaf


2 ContributorsT’es beau, tu sais LyricsT'es beau, tu sais
Et ça s'entend lorsque tu passes
T'es beau, c'est vrai
J'en suis plus belle quand tu m'embrasses
Je te dessine du bout des doigts :
Ton front, tes yeux, tes yeux, ta bouche
Comment veux-tu dessiner ça
La main me tremble quand j'y touche
T'es beau, mon grand
Et moi, vois-tu, je suis si petite
T'es beau tout le temps
Que ça me grandit quand j'en profite

Reste là, ne bouge pas
Laisse-moi t'imaginer
T'as l'air d'être l'été
Celui qui pleut jamais
Reste là, bouge pas
Laisse-moi quand même t'aimer
Je ne peux même pas penser
Que je te méritais

T'es beau, tu sais
Ça m'impressionne comme les églises
T'es beau, c'est vrai
Jusqu'à ta mère qu'en est surprise
Tu me réchauffes et tu m'endors
Tu fais soleil, tu fais colline
Viens contre moi, il pleut dehors
Mon cœur éclate dans ma poitrine
T'es beau partout
C'est trop facile d'être sincère
T'es beau, c'est tout
T'as pas besoin de la lumière
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T'es beau, tu sais
T'es beau, c'est vrai
T'es beau, tu sais
T'es beau, c'est vrai

Édith Piaf image

Are you ready to be swept away by the enchanting melodies of French chanson? Look no further than the legendary Édith Piaf and her timeless masterpiece "T'es beau, tu sais." With over two decades of experience in the music industry, I am thrilled to take you on a journey through the history, emotions, and captivating elements of this iconic song.

About T’es beau, tu sais

Released in 1959, "T'es beau, tu sais" is a poignant composition by Édith Piaf, one of the most celebrated French singers of all time. Known for her powerful and emotive performances, Piaf bewitches audiences with her impassioned vocals, effortlessly conveying the depth of human emotions.

With its tender lyrics and haunting melody, "T'es beau, tu sais" tells a tale of unrequited love, longing, and the bittersweet intensity that comes with yearning for someone who may never reciprocate those feelings. Piaf's raw and heartfelt delivery captures the essence of these emotions, leaving a lasting impact on listeners.

Piaf's musical style is characterized by her ability to express profound emotions through her voice, captivating her audience with every word. "T'es beau, tu sais" is a shining example of her sheer talent and ability to touch the depths of the human soul through her music.

One of the most remarkable aspects of "T'es beau, tu sais" is the way Piaf's voice intertwines with the accompanying instrumental arrangement. Delicate and melancholic, the music creates an enchanting atmosphere, transporting listeners to a world of nostalgia and heartache.

Throughout the song, Piaf's vocals soar above the music, carrying the weight of the lyrics with an incredible range and power. Her voice effortlessly transitions from soft and tender moments to soaring crescendos, leaving listeners captivated by her sheer vocal prowess.

As we delve deeper into the lyrics of "T'es beau, tu sais," we are confronted with the raw vulnerability and yearning that permeates the song. Piaf masterfully portrays the pain of unrequited love and the desire to be noticed and loved by someone who may never truly understand the depth of those emotions.

The chorus resonates with listeners as Piaf emphatically proclaims, "T'es beau, tu sais" (You are beautiful, you know). These simple yet powerful words encapsulate the essence of the song, highlighting the protagonist's need to express their feelings and admiration for another person, even if they may never be reciprocated.

As we embark on this musical journey, we cannot ignore the impact of Piaf's personal experiences on the creation and performance of "T'es beau, tu sais." Born into a world of hardship and tragedy, Piaf's life was marked by love, loss, and resilience. These experiences undoubtedly shaped her music, infusing it with an authenticity and depth that continues to resonate with audiences decades later.

"T'es beau, tu sais" stands as a timeless testament to the power of music in capturing the human experience. It serves as a poignant reminder of the universal emotions we all encounter and the lengths we go to express our deepest desires and longings.

So, immerse yourself in the ethereal melodies of Édith Piaf's "T'es beau, tu sais." Let her captivating voice and the poignant lyrics transport you to a world of love, longing, and the timeless beauty of French chanson. Allow the music to touch your soul, for in the depths of these melodies lie the essence of what it means to be human.

Join me in embracing the magic of Édith Piaf, for her music has the power to transcend time and touch the deepest recesses of our hearts.