さユり (Sayuri)

さユり (Sayuri) avatar image
航海の唄 (Koukai no Uta / About a Voyage) album cover

航海の唄 (Koukai no Uta / About a Voyage)

さユり (Sayuri)



[Verse 1]
もう後戻りできぬように, と今

優しい易しい あいだった
それでも, 君は行くんだろ

強さは要らない 何も持って無くていい
さぁ 臆せず 歩き出せ

[Verse 2]
ねぇ目を閉じて 心を聞いて
見つめた願い今もまだ歌い続けてる 月の下

まだ 明日に届かなくても

破れた地図の先を記し始めた 海の真ん中
ねぇ, 多くを望んでる?
新しい扉の先 船は進んでく

強さは要らない 何も持って無くていい 信じるそれだけでいい
さぁ 心音が震える方角へ
臆せず 歩き出せ

さユり (Sayuri) image

If you're a fan of the anime series "My Hero Academia," then you're probably already familiar with its captivating soundtrack that perfectly complements the action-packed storyline. One such standout track is "航海の唄" (Koukai no Uta), also known as "About a Voyage," performed by the talented artist さユり (Sayuri). This song serves as the first ending theme for season four of the anime, adding an extra layer of emotion and depth to the series.

About 航海の唄 (Koukai no Uta / About a Voyage)

Sayuri's "航海の唄" (Koukai no Uta) takes listeners on a heartfelt journey through its captivating lyrics and beautiful melodies. The song's title, "About a Voyage," sets the tone for an exploration of personal growth, self-discovery, and the trials faced along the way.

Starting with a gentle and melodic piano introduction, "航海の唄" (Koukai no Uta) immediately captures your attention and creates an atmosphere of introspection. Sayuri's delicate yet powerful vocals come in, further highlighting the song's emotional depth. Her delivery is filled with raw emotion, perfectly conveying the feelings of vulnerability and strength that the lyrics encapsulate.

The lyrics of "航海の唄" (Koukai no Uta) paint a vivid picture of an individual embarking on a voyage to find their true self. The struggles and uncertainties faced along the way are beautifully expressed, resonating with anyone who has ever questioned their own identity or purpose in life. With each line, Sayuri's heartfelt words encourage listeners to keep moving forward, reminding them that the journey, no matter how challenging, is an essential part of personal growth.

Accompanying the profound lyrics, the composition of "航海の唄" (Koukai no Uta) further adds to its emotional impact. The music seamlessly blends gentle piano melodies with cinematic orchestration, creating a rich and immersive sonic experience. The arrangement rises and falls, mirroring the highs and lows of the voyage portrayed in the lyrics.

As the song progresses, the intensity builds, culminating in a powerful chorus that ignites a sense of determination and resilience. The chorus serves as an anthem for anyone facing obstacles, reminding them of their own strength and the importance of never giving up on their dreams. Sayuri's vocals soar during these moments, capturing the triumph and hope that come with overcoming adversity.

The musical arrangement of "航海の唄" (Koukai no Uta) also incorporates various instrumental layers, such as strings and percussion, that enhance the overall impact of the song. These elements give the track a dynamic and cinematic quality, elevating it beyond a typical anime ending theme and making it a standout piece on its own.

One aspect that makes "航海の唄" (Koukai no Uta) truly exceptional is Sayuri's ability to infuse her own personal experiences and emotions into her music. Known for her introspective and thoughtful songwriting, Sayuri has a unique talent for connecting with her audience on a deep level. Her sincere and authentic approach resonates with listeners, creating a powerful and lasting impact.

The combination of Sayuri's evocative vocals, poignant lyrics, and expertly crafted composition make "航海の唄" (Koukai no Uta) a captivating and emotionally charged piece of music. Whether you're a fan of My Hero Academia or not, this song has the power to transport you to a world of introspection and self-discovery. It serves as a reminder that life is a journey, and sometimes the most powerful voyages are the ones that happen within ourselves.

So, if you're ready to embark on a musical adventure that will tug at your heartstrings and inspire your soul, don't miss out on the enchanting sounds of Sayuri's "航海の唄" (Koukai no Uta). Let this song be the soundtrack to your own voyage of personal growth and discovery.