周興哲 (Eric Chou)

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離開你以後 (Leaving You)

周興哲 (Eric Chou)


1 Contributor離開你以後 (Leaving You) Lyrics你還記不記得 我們的故事
約定過的以後 變成了什麽
這些年 也會有想你的時刻
想從前多麽愛著 今天就多麽不捨


曾經幻想世界 只有我們不被打擾
單純總是美好 長大才知道
能永遠 天真的這一句誓言
到最後真的如願 是永遠失去從前

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周興哲 (Eric Chou) image

Leaving You is a heartfelt and emotionally charged song by Taiwanese singer Eric Chou, also known as Chou Hsin-che. Known for his soulful vocals and powerful ballads, Chou delivers a mesmerizing performance in this poignant track.

The song 離開你以後 (Leaving You) is a beautiful portrayal of heartbreak and the pain of letting go. It delves into the emotions experienced when a relationship comes to an end and the struggles that follow. With its introspective lyrics and haunting melody, Leaving You has resonated with fans around the world, becoming an anthem for those who have experienced the anguish of lost love.

Eric Chou's talent as a singer-songwriter shines in this powerful ballad, which showcases his ability to convey raw emotion through his music. The vulnerability in his voice draws listeners in, allowing them to connect deeply with the lyrics and experience the pain and longing portrayed in the song.

Leaving You presents a masterful combination of heartfelt lyrics and a captivating melody. The lyrics tell a story of a love that has ended, where Chou expresses his struggle with the decision to leave and the aftermath of the breakup. The carefully chosen words reflect the emotions he experiences, painting a vivid picture of heartache and longing.

The melody of Leaving You perfectly complements the lyrics, adding an additional layer of depth and intensity to the song. It starts with a gentle piano intro that sets the melancholic tone and gradually builds up with the addition of strings and drums, creating a powerful and emotional crescendo. Chou's impeccable vocal delivery adds to the overall impact of the song, evoking a sense of nostalgia and deep emotion.

Eric Chou's Musical Journey

Eric Chou, born in 1995, is a Taiwanese singer and songwriter who burst into the music scene in 2014. Since then, he has become one of the most popular and influential artists in the Mandopop genre. With his soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics, Chou has captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide.

Chou's musical journey began when he participated in the Taiwanese singing competition show "Super Idol." Although he did not win, his talent and potential were recognized, leading him to sign with Sony Music Taiwan. Since then, he has released several successful albums, garnering critical acclaim and commercial success.

Eric Chou's music is known for its emotional depth and relatable themes. He often draws inspiration from personal experiences and relationships, using his songs as a medium to express his innermost thoughts and feelings. His ability to connect with his audience through his music has made him a beloved figure in the Mandopop industry.

The Impact of 離開你以後 (Leaving You)

Since its release, Leaving You has garnered immense popularity and critical acclaim. The song's emotional depth and Chou's captivating performance have resonated with listeners, making it a significant hit in the Mandopop genre.

Leaving You has become an anthem of heartbreak and resilience for many people going through the pain of a breakup. Its relatable lyrics and powerful delivery strike a chord with listeners, offering solace and understanding during difficult times. The song's popularity has also been fueled by its music video, which beautifully captures the essence of the song through stunning visuals and powerful storytelling.

In addition to its impact among fans, Leaving You has also received recognition within the music industry. It has topped various charts and received awards for its exceptional songwriting and production. Eric Chou's talent and artistry shine through in this captivating ballad, solidifying his position as one of the leading voices in Mandopop.

In Closing

Leaving You is a heartfelt and emotionally charged ballad by Taiwanese singer Eric Chou. Through its poignant lyrics and haunting melody, the song explores the pain of letting go and the struggles of a broken relationship. Chou's soulful vocals and powerful delivery evoke strong emotions, allowing listeners to deeply connect with the song.

Eric Chou's musical journey, combined with the impact of Leaving You, has solidified his position as one of the most influential and beloved artists in the Mandopop genre. With his unique ability to convey raw emotion through his music, Chou continues to captivate listeners and touch hearts around the world.