和楽器バンド (WagakkiBand)

和楽器バンド (WagakkiBand) avatar image
細雪 (Sasameyuki) album cover

細雪 (Sasameyuki)

和楽器バンド (WagakkiBand)



綾なす 樹々に降る細雪
満ちては 欠けてゆく月の光
今日も また

指の隙間 摺り抜けてく
想い出を 掻き集めてるだけ
少しずつの すれ違いは
いつの間に 二人を別つ

綾なす 樹々に降る細雪
満ちては 欠けてゆく月の光
見渡す 一面に雪化粧
全て 包むように

どこかに 落としてきた情熱を
誰かを 愛した日の温もりも
二度とは 戻れない日々だって
過ぎて 行く

指を赤く 結ぶ糸の
その先は 重さを無くせとも
頬をつたう 涙であれ
その海も いつかは枯れる
You might also likeもう一度 巡り会えたら
伝えたい ことばかりだよ
海を越えて 見えた景色を

綾なす 樹々に降る細雪
満ちては 欠けてゆく月の光
この手を 離した胸の痛み

どこかで 忘れていた情熱を
あなたを 愛した日の温もりを
二度とは 戻れない非望でいて

和楽器バンド (WagakkiBand) image

細雪 (Sasameyuki) is a hauntingly beautiful composition by the Japanese rock band, WagakkiBand. Combining traditional Japanese instruments with modern rock elements, this song takes listeners on a captivating journey through emotional depths. With its ethereal melodies and poignant lyrics, 細雪 (Sasameyuki) has become a beloved track among both Japanese and international music enthusiasts.

About 細雪 (Sasameyuki)

細雪 (Sasameyuki), which translates to "Light Snow," is a song that showcases WagakkiBand's unique blend of traditional and modern musical styles. The band's name, Wagakki, derives from the Japanese word for traditional Japanese instruments, while Band represents their fusion of these ancient sounds with contemporary rock sensibilities. This fusion creates a captivating and distinct sound that sets WagakkiBand apart from other musical acts.

Beginning with a gentle and delicate melody played on the koto, a stringed instrument traditionally used in Japanese court music, 細雪 (Sasameyuki) immediately transports listeners to a serene and introspective atmosphere. As the song progresses, the addition of the shakuhachi, a bamboo flute renowned for its expressive qualities, adds an emotional depth that enhances the overall experience.

The lyrics of 細雪 (Sasameyuki) convey a sense of longing and melancholy. The vocalist, Suzuhana Yuko, delivers the lines with a hauntingly beautiful voice, evoking feelings of both vulnerability and strength. The poetic nature of the lyrics enhances the song's emotional impact, allowing listeners to connect with their own experiences of love and loss.

WagakkiBand's ability to seamlessly integrate modern rock elements into their music is showcased in the arrangement of 細雪 (Sasameyuki). The song features powerful electric guitar riffs and dynamic drumming, creating a sense of intensity that contrasts with the more traditional instrumentation. This fusion of traditional and modern elements not only appeals to a wide range of listeners but also gives the song a unique and unforgettable sound.

The arrangement of 細雪 (Sasameyuki) is further enhanced by the band's exceptional skills as musicians. Each member of WagakkiBand is a master of their respective instrument, and their passion and talent shine through in their performances. The delicate plucking of the koto, the heartfelt blowing of the shakuhachi, and the powerful strumming of the electric guitar all contribute to the overall impact of the song, creating a captivating musical journey.

The emotional essence of 細雪 (Sasameyuki) is further emphasized through the band's use of dynamics and musical contrasts. The song builds gradually, beginning with soft and introspective passages before evolving into moments of powerful and impassioned performances. These shifts in dynamics, both in instrumentals and vocals, heighten the emotional impact of the song, capturing the attention and hearts of the listeners.

細雪 (Sasameyuki) is not only a beautiful piece of music but also a testament to the cultural heritage of Japan. WagakkiBand's determination to preserve and promote traditional Japanese instruments while infusing them with a modern twist is commendable. Their unique musical style serves as a bridge between past and present, fostering a deeper appreciation for Japanese culture and traditions, both within Japan and beyond.

In addition to its artistic merit, 細雪 (Sasameyuki) has also gained popularity through its appearance in various media. The song has been featured as the closing theme for the Japanese anime series, "Tokyo Ghoul:re," further cementing its status as a beloved track among fans.

For those seeking a captivating and emotionally charged musical experience, 細雪 (Sasameyuki) by WagakkiBand is a song that should not be missed. Its seamless fusion of traditional and modern elements, coupled with its heartfelt lyrics and exceptional performances, make it a timeless masterpiece that leaves a lasting impression on all who listen.