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BROCKHAMPTON is a groundbreaking music collective that emerged onto the hip-hop scene in 2014. Comprised of various talented artists and visionaries, this group has shaken up the industry with their unique sound, personal storytelling, and boundary-pushing creativity. Known for their high-energy performances and thought-provoking lyrics, BROCKHAMPTON has captivated audiences worldwide and carved out their own space in the music industry.

About the Collective

BROCKHAMPTON was formed in 2014 by visionary leader Kevin Abstract, who sought to create a space for artists to collaborate and express themselves authentically. The collective quickly gained attention for their distinctive fusion of genres, blending elements of hip-hop, pop, and R&B to create a sound that was entirely their own. Each member of the group brings a unique style and perspective to their music, resulting in a dynamic and diverse range of tracks that leave a lasting impact on listeners.

One of the defining characteristics of BROCKHAMPTON is their commitment to honesty and vulnerability in their music. Through their lyrics, they explore deeply personal topics such as mental health, identity, and the struggles they've faced along their journey. This raw and unfiltered approach to songwriting has resonated with fans who appreciate the group's willingness to expose their innermost thoughts and emotions.

In addition to their captivating lyrics, BROCKHAMPTON is known for their high-energy and visually stunning performances. From their explosive live shows to their captivating music videos, the collective puts on a show that is both electrifying and visually captivating. They have cultivated a dedicated fan base that eagerly anticipates their every move, eagerly awaiting their next release or live performance.

Throughout their career, BROCKHAMPTON has released a series of critically acclaimed albums that have pushed the boundaries of hip-hop and garnered widespread acclaim. Their breakthrough came with the release of their "SATURATION" trilogy, which showcased their infectious energy, catchy hooks, and experimental sound. Their fourth album, "iridescence," further solidified their status as game-changers in the music industry, debuting at number one on the Billboard 200 Albums Chart.

The journey of BROCKHAMPTON has not been without its challenges. In 2018, the group faced a significant setback when they had to part ways with member Ameer Vann due to allegations of sexual assault. The collective addressed this issue honestly and directly, allowing their music to evolve and continue to inspire audiences around the world.

The Best Years of Our Lives Trilogy

With the release of "iridescence," BROCKHAMPTON announced the beginning of a new trilogy of albums titled "THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES." This ambitious project promised to delve even deeper into the personal narratives and experiences of the collective's members, providing a comprehensive look into their lives and perspectives.

Despite the unexpected hiatus announced in early 2022, BROCKHAMPTON managed to release their final studio album, "The Family." This highly anticipated record serves as a testament to their growth, creativity, and tireless dedication to their craft. With tracks such as "Big Pussy" and "The Ending," the group showcases their signature sound while exploring themes of love, loss, and self-discovery.

Alongside "The Family," BROCKHAMPTON surprised their fans with the release of their last album, "TM." This final project is a culmination of their artistic journey, reflecting on their experiences, and leaving a lasting legacy with their music.

The Members and Associates

BROCKHAMPTON is a collective that consists of numerous talented artists and associates, each making their own unique contributions to their music and visual aesthetics. The core members include Kevin Abstract, Matt Champion, Merlyn Wood, Dom McLennon, Russell "Joba" Boring, bearface, Jabari Manwa, Romil Hemnani, Kiko Merley, Henock "HK" Sileshi, Robert Ontenient, Jon Nunes, and Ashlan Grey.

These artists bring a diverse range of skills, from singing and rapping to producing and filmmaking, creating a rich tapestry of sound and creativity within the group. Their collaboration and synergy are what set BROCKHAMPTON apart, allowing them to push the boundaries of conventional music and constantly redefine their sound.

Beyond the core members, BROCKHAMPTON has a network of associates who contribute to their music and visual aesthetics. From app designers and VFX experts to photographers and video directors, these individuals play a vital role in bringing the collective's vision to life. Notable associates include Kevin Doan, Nick Guilmette, Brian Kinnes, Ryan Beatty, Roy Blair, Milos Mihajlov, Jaden Walker, Nick Lenzini, Weston Freas, Anish Ochani, Victor Roberts, and Spencer Ford.

Throughout their career, BROCKHAMPTON has achieved critical acclaim and amassed a dedicated fan base that continues to grow with each release. Their unique sound, honest lyrics, and captivating live performances have solidified their status as one of the most influential and exciting music collectives of their generation.