
​gnash avatar image

gnash is a versatile musician who has been actively involved in the music industry for a number of years. He began his career as a DJ and gradually transitioned to producing and creating his own music. Known for his honest and relatable lyrics, gnash is a skilled songwriter who has been resonating with listeners around the world.

About ​gnash

gnash, whose real name is Garett Nash, is an American producer, singer, and songwriter. He initially gained recognition for his work as a DJ but quickly turned his attention to producing his own music. He has credited his transition to making his own music to the fact that he had a lot of feelings he needed to express and turned to music to do so.

gnash's best-known song is "i hate u, i love u," which peaked at number 10 on the Billboard Hot 100. It is an interpolation of Olivia O'Brien's "hate u love u." The song also topped the national charts in Australia and Israel. gnash has since released several EPs, including "u," "me," and "us," which he created as a way of coping with a breakup he experienced. His music is known for its emotional honesty and authenticity.

On January 1, 2016, gnash announced on Twitter that ":):" (pronounced "happysad") is his own label and genre of music. He has since released several singles and collaborations under this label, including "tell me is it love," "dear insecurity," and "feelings fade."

In an interview, gnash was asked how he handles the emotions he deals with in his music. He stated that his writing process involves free writing his thoughts and emotions down on paper until they are no longer inside of him. He then looks at what he has written and decides whether it is something he wants to turn into a song. He credits his father for teaching him the importance of communication and expressing emotions instead of suppressing them.

gnash's music is often described as "emo rap" or "sad pop," due to its emotional content and relatable lyrics. His songs deal with universal themes like heartbreak, insecurity, and self-doubt, all of which make his music accessible to fans of all ages.

gnash's loyal fan base has continued to grow over the years, thanks to his relatable lyrics and unique sound. He has collaborated with a number of artists throughout his career, including MAX, Olivia O'Brien, and Imad Royal. His popularity and influence within the music industry show no signs of slowing down.


gnash has released several EPs throughout his career, including:

u (2015)

me / us (2016)

We (2019)

He has also released numerous singles, including:

"i hate u, i love u" (2016)

"home" (2017)

"dear insecurity" (2019)

"feelings fade" (2020)


gnash has been influenced by a wide range of artists throughout his career, including Kanye West, Death Cab for Cutie, and Bright Eyes. He has also cited his parents as major influences, particularly his father, who taught him the importance of communication and self-expression.

Furthermore, gnash is known for his collaboration with a variety of other artists, incorporating their sound into his own music. His collaborations include artists from various genres, such as electronic, indie, and pop.

Future Projects

As gnash's popularity continues to grow, fans are eagerly anticipating new music from the artist. While he has not announced any official upcoming projects, gnash has hinted at new music on his social media accounts. He remains committed to creating authentic and relatable music that resonates with his listeners.

One thing is certain: gnash's talent and unique sound will continue to impact the music industry for years to come.