Modern Baseball

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Modern Baseball was a Philadelphia-based emo band that captured the hearts of many with their unique sound and songwriting style. Fronted by Jake Ewald and Brendan Lukens, the band's name came from a book in Jake Ewald's basement called 'Modern Baseball Techniques' that his dad owned.

About Modern Baseball

Rather than having a single songwriter/band leader, Modern Baseball's founders Jake Ewald and Brendan Lukens equally split the songwriting duties. Each sings the songs that he writes, making it a truly collaborative effort.

The band was founded in Maryland by Jake Ewald and Brendan Lukens before they moved to Philadelphia to attend Drexel University. The group’s lineup was completed by drummer Sean Huber and bassist Ian Farmer. Modern Baseball's sound has been compared to that of bands like The Front Bottoms and The Hotelier, with catchy hooks, heartfelt lyrics, and a decidedly DIY attitude.

After the release of their first full-length album 'Sports,' the members of Modern Baseball took a hiatus from college to focus fully on the band. They have since released two more full-length records, 2014’s 'You’re Gonna Miss It All' and 2016’s 'Holy Ghost.'

Modern Baseball's music often deals with themes like growing up, relationships, mental health, and the struggles of early adulthood. Lukens and Ewald's lyrics are often introspective and deeply personal, giving listeners a glimpse into their inner worlds.

Modern Baseball has been known for its collaborations with other bands in the emo and pop-punk scenes. They have toured with Knuckle Puck, Crying, Somos, and Foxing, among others, and their music has been praised by critics and fans alike for its earnestness and authenticity.

Modern Baseball's music resonates with a generation of listeners who are looking for something authentic and real in a world that often feels fake and superficial. Their sound is a perfect blend of catchy hooks, raw emotion, and clever songwriting.

The band's contribution to the emo/punk scene cannot be overstated, and their music will continue to inspire and connect with fans for years to come.

Modern Baseball's Influences and Legacy

Modern Baseball's music was heavily influenced by the emo, pop-punk, and indie rock genres. They have cited bands such as Brand New, Weezer, and the Mountain Goats as influences on their sound.

The band's legacy will live on through its impact on the emo revival movement of the mid-2010s. Modern Baseball's music, along with that of other bands such as The Hotelier and Joyce Manor, helped to usher in a new wave of emo and emo-adjacent music that was characterized by raw emotion, confessional lyrics, and a rejection of mainstream pop music tropes.

Modern Baseball's impact on the emo/punk scene has been significant, and their music will continue to inspire and connect with fans for years to come.

Wrapping Up

Modern Baseball was a band that captured the hearts of many with their unique sound, heartfelt lyrics, and collaborative songwriting style. Their music dealt with themes of growing up, relationships, mental health, and the struggles of early adulthood, resonating deeply with a generation looking for something authentic and real.

The band's legacy will live on through its impact on the emo revival movement, and their music will continue to inspire and connect with fans for years to come.