
Tatarka avatar image

If you're into the trending rap music scene, Tatarka is definitely an up-and-coming artist that you should keep on your radar. Born Irina Smelaya on December 21, 1991, in Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarka is a prominent Russian-Tatar video blogger and a fledgling rap artist with hit songs written in Tatar and English languages.

About Tatarka

Before venturing into the music industry, Tatarka first gained attention as a popular video blogger on YouTube, where she amassed a significant following on her channel. Her success on the social media platform later helped her land a recording deal with Little Big's Ilya Prusikin's independent label The First Music Publishing.

Her debut single, "Altyn," was released in 2017, featuring her smooth flow and lyrics written solely in Tatar. Her rapping style is reminiscent of other successful contemporary female rap artists like Nicki Minaj and Cardi B, which polarized her appeal to younger hip-hop fans. Though most of her singles are in Tatar, Tatarka's songwriting extends to English as well.

Tatarka's rise to fame was overshadowed by her relationship with Ilya Prusikin, the frontman of the viral sensation Little Big. The two eventually got married but later divorced, which propelled Tatarka to release music with more profound and harder-hitting themes addressed to personal issues and a painful breakup.

In 2020, Tatarka solidified her presence in the rap game with the release of her debut album "Shadow," which featured her trademark sound coupled with a dark ambiance. The album features a total of ten tracks and showcases her versatility and evolution in the rap category, including singles like "Berezhen," "Chernyy xleb," "Kombat" and many others. The album also marked her growth as a lyricist and explore themes of love, self-reflection, and personal strength.

Despite her success, Tatarka still keeps herself grounded, as evident in her social media presence where she shares her daily life, thoughts, and insights into the music industry. She is active on various social media platforms, including VKontakte, Instagram, and YouTube. Tatarka is known for interacting with her fans individually, giving them behind-the-scenes glimpses into her daily routine, making her much more relatable.


As Tatarka continues her musical journey, fans are eager to see where her talent will take her in the future. With her soaring popularity, she has certainly secured a place amongst modern rap's young rising stars, and there is no stopping her any time soon.