
Aimer avatar image
花びらたちのマーチ (Hanabiratachi no March) album cover

花びらたちのマーチ (Hanabiratachi no March)




[Verse 1]
雨上がり グランドのすみっこ
光の粒と 揺れて走る

[Verse 2]
伝えたかったこと 全部ね
教科書のすみ 落書きだった

春が来て あんなに好きだったのに
壁も 窓も 空も 消えてなくなって
泣かない 泣かないけどね きっと

[Verse 3]
覚えたてのギターは まだFのコードが苦手なままで

春風は あんなに好きだったもの
花も 恋も 声も 全部つれてくの?
[Instrumental Break]

春が来て どんなに離れても
あれも これも 全部 そばにあるからと
ひらひら 揺れながら そっと

ありふれた言葉 歌にした
明日 朝一 街を出る
君に どうか 幸あれEmbed

Aimer image

Are you a fan of Japanese music? If so, then you must be familiar with the talented singer-songwriter Aimer. One of her notable songs is "花びらたちのマーチ" (Hanabiratachi no March). In this article, we will delve into the details of this beautiful song and explore its meaning and significance. So, let's dive in and discover the magic behind "花びらたちのマーチ"!

About 花びらたちのマーチ (Hanabiratachi no March)

Released in (insert year here), "花びらたちのマーチ" (Hanabiratachi no March) is one of the most beloved tracks by Aimer. The song showcases her unique musical style, combining elements of pop and rock with her signature emotive vocals. The heartfelt lyrics and captivating melody make it a standout in her discography.

Translated as "March of the Petals," the title itself carries a poetic and evocative charm. Upon listening to the song, it becomes evident that the lyrics perfectly capture the tender beauty of blooming flowers and their fleeting nature. Aimer's soft yet powerful vocals convey a sense of longing and vulnerability, resonating with listeners on a deeply emotional level.

The composition of "花びらたちのマーチ" is a true testament to Aimer's artistry. The song begins with a gentle piano melody, establishing a delicate and melodic foundation. As the music progresses, additional instruments join in, creating a rich and layered sonic landscape. The use of string arrangements and subtle percussion adds depth and intensity to the overall sound, enhancing the emotional impact of the song.

One notable aspect of "花びらたちのマーチ" is Aimer's vocal performance. Her voice effortlessly glides through the verses, exuding a sense of vulnerability and strength simultaneously. The way she delicately delivers each word adds to the emotional weight of the lyrics, allowing the listener to fully immerse themselves in the song's narrative.

The lyrics of "花びらたちのマーチ" are a poignant exploration of the transient beauty of life and the inevitability of change. The metaphor of petals dancing in the wind serves as a symbol for the fleeting moments that we cherish and must eventually let go. Aimer's heartfelt words remind us to appreciate the present and embrace the impermanence of all things.

With each verse, Aimer paints a vivid picture of the passage of time and the bittersweet nature of letting go. The imagery she uses captures the essence of fragile beauty, allowing listeners to reflect on their own experiences of love, loss, and growth. It is this introspective quality that makes "花びらたちのマーチ" such a deeply resonant song.

Throughout her career, Aimer has garnered a dedicated fan base not only in Japan but also internationally. Her ability to connect with listeners through her honest and heartfelt music is a testament to her talent and artistry. "花びらたちのマーチ" encapsulates everything that makes Aimer's music so captivating – evocative lyrics, mesmerizing vocals, and a melody that tugs at the heartstrings.

Listening to "花びらたちのマーチ" is like embarking on an emotional journey, guided by Aimer's soothing voice and the enchanting melodies. Whether you are a long-time fan or new to Aimer's music, this song is sure to leave a lasting impression. It is a testament to the power of music to evoke emotions and touch our souls.

In her exceptional career, Aimer has produced numerous hits, but "花びらたちのマーチ" holds a special place in the hearts of many. Its timeless beauty and universal themes have made it an anthem of introspection and contemplation for listeners around the world. So, take a moment to immerse yourself in the magic of "花びらたちのマーチ" – a song that will transport you to a world of emotions and resonate with your innermost thoughts and feelings.

As you listen to Aimer's soul-stirring vocals and allow the enchanting melody to wash over you, "花びらたちのマーチ" will become more than just a song. It will become a companion, a source of solace, and a testament to the profound connection between music and the human experience.

  • Release Date: January 9, 2019
  • Artist: Aimer