Alex G

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Taking album cover


Alex G


[Verse 1]
I don't want pieces of beauty
I flare my eyes to the world
Watching the buckets of lovers
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming
And coming

[Verse 2]
That’s how she found me this morning
Bundled my head in her arms
Lifted my spoonful of sugar
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And taking
And takingSee Alex G LiveGet tickets as low as $50You might also likeEmbed

Alex G image

Taking is a hauntingly beautiful and unique song by Alex G. It is a perfect example of how Alex G is a true artist who doesn't stick to the "norms" of his genre. It is a song that is filled with deep emotion, and a haunting melody that draws you in from the very first note, leaving you in a trance-like state.

About Taking

The song Taking is a reflection of the various emotions that come with grief after a loved one dies. The lyrics are sparse but haunting, painting a picture of a person who is struggling to cope with the loss of someone special. Alex G's voice is soft and dreamy, and it evokes a sense of melancholy and longing that is palpable.

The opening lines of the song are: "Taking the night to see a star / Take you to the place, now you're gone." These lyrics set the tone for the rest of the song, establishing the fact that this is a song about loss. The song is composed and performed in a way that matches the subject matter perfectly, with the use of ethereal instrumentation that creates a sense of otherworldliness.

Despite the sadness that permeates throughout Taking, there is also a sense of hope that is present in the melody. Alex G uses his music to express the full spectrum of emotions that come with loss, not just the ones that are negative. His use of music as a tool to evoke emotions is exceptional, and this song is a perfect example of why he is considered one of the top artists of our generation.

The song is gentle, subtle, and delicate. It is not one that is meant to be blasted out of speakers at high volumes, but rather one that is best enjoyed in a quiet, intimate setting. This is a song that draws you in and requires you to give it your full attention. It is a song that doesn't rely on gimmicks or flashy production to make an impact, but rather one that speaks for itself.

One of the most impressive things about Taking is the fact that it is such a personal song, yet it is also one that can be interpreted in many different ways. The beauty of art is that it can be seen and experienced in so many different ways, and this song is no exception. Alex G has created a piece of art that is both personal and universal, and that is what makes it so special.

Why You Should Listen to Taking

If you are someone who is looking for a song that is filled with emotion and that will leave you feeling both sad and hopeful, then Taking is a great choice. It is a song that is not only beautifully composed and performed, but one that also has deep meaning and emotional resonance. It is a song that will stay with you long after it is over, and one that you will want to listen to again and again.

Alex G is an artist who has been making music for over 20 years, and Taking is just one example of his exceptional talent. He has a unique ability to create music that speaks to people on a deep, emotional level, and this song is a perfect example of that.

In short, Taking is a song that is well worth your time. It is a beautiful, haunting piece of art that will leave you feeling a range of emotions. It is a perfect example of how music can be used to express complex emotions, and how it can be used to connect people on a deep, emotional level.

  • Release Date: September 13, 2019
  • Artist: Alex G