Alien Ant Farm


Orange Appeal

Alien Ant Farm


2 ContributorsOrange Appeal LyricsHalf the rude you brought once has cold
We send with friends
All the evil actions worked my mood on you
As the energy comes from the waves at cliffs
Moan miss
We look for leaves on the family tree
Ah...thee won't sing

Compare an apple to an orange like in the
Dream we seen
As the energy come from the waves at Trussels
And all this hearty fruit has made my muscles grow to what you see
Half the rude you brought once has cold
We send with friends

Will you just bend

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Orange Appeal by Alien Ant Farm is a rock song that packs a punch with its unique blend of heavy riffs and catchy hooks. The track was released as part of the band's album 'Always and Forever' in 2015 and has since become a fan favorite. The song's title' Orange Appeal' is a play on words that not only grabs one's attention but also speaks to the song's themes of addiction and the illusions of fame.

About Orange Appeal

The opening riffs of Orange Appeal immediately set the tone for the song, with a heavy guitar melody that quickly builds into the fast-paced and energetic track that it is. The song is thematically centered on addiction and the struggles that accompany it, with lyrics like "Something's chasing the boy again, hooked on every word of his friend", referencing the allure of fame and the addiction to the fame that comes with being in the music industry.

The song's chorus is infectious and catchy, with its repetitive nature emphasizing the message of addiction. The lyrics "Orange Appeal, Can't resist, It's so unreal, I insist" are a clear indication of the need and desire that one feels when addicted to something. The song's heavy instrumentation, coupled with lead vocalist Dryden Mitchell's strong singing, adds an element of urgency that drives home the song's message.

The bridge of the song builds up to a crescendo, with the guitar riffs taking center stage and elevating the track to another level. The lyrics "I don't want to be, another warning, for the kids", are a powerful and poignant message that speaks to the dangers of addiction and the risks it poses to oneself and to those around them. The song ends with a fade-out, leaving the listener with a lingering feeling of the message and the emotions conveyed throughout the track.

Orange Appeal by Alien Ant Farm is a prime example of a song that brings together a barrage of emotions and messages in a thrilling and energetic package. The addictive nature of the song, coupled with its heavy instrumentation and powerful lyrics, is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who listens to it. It is definitely a standout track on the band's 'Always and Forever' album and a testament to the band's songwriting abilities and musicianship.

It is not surprising to see how Orange Appeal has become one of the most popular songs of Alien Ant Farm. They were an extremely successful rock band by the 2000s, with their most well-known song being the cover of the hit song "Smooth Criminal' by Michael Jackson. The band's unique sound and style have garnered them a loyal fan following and have cemented their place in the annals of rock music history.

In sum, Orange Appeal is a powerful and emotive rock song that offers much more than just a catchy tune. The song's themes of addiction, the illusions of fame, and the dangers they pose, are all conveyed through the song's instrumentation and lyrics. It is definitely a must-listen for anyone looking for an intense and energetic rock song that packs a punch.