
Einár avatar image
Frank Lucas album cover

Frank Lucas



Ma-Manny Flaco, grr, pow

Lyssna nu på mig, din puta
Folk här vill va som Frank Lucas
Folk här de är inte kloka
Skiter i summan på notan
Ey, helt drippad
Springer om han visar mig en bricka
Flashar du för mycket, vi gör stick-up
Tiden, den går snabbt, bror, den tickar, den går tick-tack, ey

[Vers 1]
Ey, guzzen vill ha den, hon börja sakta klä av sig
Hon börja smeka min snabel, hon sa till benim, "Klä av dig"
Jag svara, "Shit, är du galen? Vad var det nyss som du bad mig?"
Men sen hon tog tag i saken, hon börja sakta klä av mig
Ey, vi gör till dig godnatt mitt på dagen, ey
Jag menar du blir jappt av mitt vapen, ey
Vi sitter fucking fast här i Dalen, ey
Och tro inte att min rapp ändrar saken, nej
Gå inte in i krig utan para, ey
Jag glider i en bil med bananan, ey
Jag blandar lite weed med min jara, ey
Hon gillar suga fint på min jarrak, ey, ey, ey
What the fuck, bro? Snackar om para men de går back, though
Fuck dem, ingen kan hänga med i min takt, yo
Vato, ingen kan hänga med i min takt, yo
Pow, pow, pow, pow
Lyssna nu på mig, din puta
Folk här vill va som Frank Lucas
Folk här de är inte kloka
Skiter i summan på notan
Ey, helt drippad
Springer om han visar mig en bricka
Flashar du för mycket, vi gör stick-up
Tiden, den går snabbt, bror, den tickar, den går tick-tack, ey

[Vers 2]
Han har en summa på skallen, ey
Det klart han pungar metallen, ey
Han tar en runda med kallen
Om han möter på en opp, han kommer sjunga med kallen
Det knas här, punkt slut, tagga om en bil här ser skum ut
Kom, jag kan ta dig på en rundtur
Wallah, gamla kranen, han är kund nu
Aina, de vill ha han i en hundbur, ey, ey, ey
Och, mannen, du är körd om du testar på min bror
För min broder jag kan dö, för min bror jag spiller blod
Svarar nada på förhör, jag vet inte vad de tror
De kan kyssa mig i röven och jag lägger ingen gol
LV, Dolce Gabbana, vi fyller upp en banana
Vi sätter i den, sen vi skjuter, sen vi taggar chicana
Tackar Gud, jag har para, jämfört med du, du har nada
Jalla, gå sug på min jarrak, eller få krut i din gaffa, ey
Lyssna nu på mig, din puta
Folk här vill va som Frank Lucas
Folk här de är inte kloka
Skiter i summan på notan
Ey, helt drippad
Springer om han visar mig en bricka
Flashar du för mycket, vi gör stick-up
Tiden, den går snabbt, bror, den tickar, den går tick-tack, ey
Lyssna nu på mig, din puta
Folk här vill va som Frank Lucas
Folk här de är inte kloka
Skiter i summan på notan
Ey, helt drippad
Springer om han visar mig en bricka
Flashar du för mycket, vi gör stick-up
Tiden, den går snabbt, bror, den tickar, den går tick-tack, eyEmbed

Einár image

Hey there music lovers! Today, I am thrilled to dive into the mesmerizing world of Swedish rapper Einár and his latest track, "Frank Lucas." This musical masterpiece has been creating quite the buzz in the industry, so let's dig deeper and explore what makes this song so captivating.

About Frank Lucas

"Frank Lucas" is an enchanting hip-hop track that showcases Einár's undeniable talent as both a rapper and a storyteller. Named after the notorious Harlem drug lord, the song captures the essence of Lucas' larger-than-life persona and the gritty reality of the streets. Einár's lyrics paint vivid pictures of an extravagant lifestyle mixed with the harsh realities of drug dealing, creating a captivating juxtaposition that is hard to resist.

Einár's lyrical prowess shines through as he effortlessly weaves poetic verses filled with sharp metaphors and clever wordplay. His delivery is both powerful and emotive, carrying the weight of the story he is telling. With each line, Einár transports listeners into the world of Frank Lucas, leaving them immersed in a narrative that is as gripping as it is thought-provoking.

The production of "Frank Lucas" is equally impressive. The beat, crafted by a talented team of producers, sets the mood for the entire song. With its infectious melodies, hard-hitting drums, and intricate layers of instrumentation, the production perfectly complements Einár's lyrics and brings the track to life.

One of the standout elements of "Frank Lucas" is Einár's ability to balance vulnerability and cockiness. Through his introspective verses, he delves into moments of self-reflection and the inner struggles that come with living a life of crime. At the same time, he effortlessly exudes confidence and a sense of invincibility, mirroring the persona of the infamous Frank Lucas himself.

The song's chorus is catchy and instantly memorable. Einár's melodic delivery adds another layer to the track, making it easy to get lost in the infectious hook. The repetition of the chorus throughout the song ensures that it becomes ingrained in the listeners' minds, leaving them humming it long after the song has ended.

"Frank Lucas" is not just a song; it's a cinematic experience. Einár's storytelling abilities combined with the atmospheric production create a sonic landscape that transports listeners to the world he is depicting. With every beat, every lyric, and every moment, Einár immerses his audience in the raw and often harsh realities of the streets, offering a glimpse into a world few may truly understand.

As Einár's star continues to rise in the music industry, "Frank Lucas" solidifies his position as a force to be reckoned with. The song showcases his growth as an artist and his ability to command the attention of listeners with his unique style and captivating storytelling. It's the kind of track that leaves a lasting impression, making waves in both the Swedish music scene and beyond.

So, whether you're a die-hard hip-hop fan or simply someone who appreciates good music, "Frank Lucas" is a must-listen. Strap yourself in for a thrilling ride through the mind of Einár as he unravels the tale of Frank Lucas, one of Harlem's most notorious figures. Get ready to be captivated by the magnetic energy that is "Frank Lucas"!

  • Release Date: March 6, 2020
  • Artist: Einár