The Fratellis

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Starcrossed Losers

The Fratellis


[Verse 1]
It started out as nothing in the strangest sense
He was never in his right mind, no defense
She prayed for his attention, often on repeat
Every time she heard his name and his heartbeat
He was in denial in his own backyard
Pleading for the rain just to come down hard
She bought him a bracelet and put it on his wrist
Like every time before she got close but missed

Romeo, Romeo I'm your Juliet
I'm the pot of gold that you haven't found yet
I'm here, right here
He said, "Juliet I believe every word you say
Time is running backwards every single day
I'm here, right here"

[Verse 2]
Well it started out as nothing in the strangest place
Beating like a drum in a hard luck space
He swore that he could feel something tugging on his sleeve
He had the strangest sense that he was Adam, she was Eve
She was in chains by her own good hand
Keeping all the angels under her command
He saw every detail burning like sun
Couldn't get it straight that his race was run
Romeo, Romeo tell me where you've been
I would be complete if you'd only let me in
I'm here, right here
He said, "Juliet I told you I was only passing through
If I had a moment I would spend it just with you
I'm here, right here"

And they all fall down
And they all fall down

And she said, "Romeo, Romeo I'm your Juliet
I'm the pot of gold that you haven't found yet
I'm here, right here"
He said, "Juliet I believe every word you say
Time is running backwards every single day
I'm here, right here"

She said, "Romeo, Romeo tell me where you've been
I would be complete if you'd only let me in
I'm here, right here"
And he said, "Juliet I told you I was only passing through
If I had a moment I would spend it just with you
I'm here, right here"

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If you're a fan of indie rock, then you're probably familiar with The Fratellis. This Scottish band burst onto the music scene in the mid-2000s with their infectious energy and catchy tunes. Since then, they've continued to captivate audiences with their unique sound and relatable lyrics. One of their standout tracks is "Starcrossed Losers," a song that showcases the band's songwriting prowess and knack for creating anthems that resonate with listeners.

Released as the fourth single from The Fratellis' fifth studio album, In Your Own Sweet Time, "Starcrossed Losers" quickly became a fan favorite. The song captivates from the very beginning with its infectious guitar riffs and driving rhythm. From the moment the first chords kick in, you know you're in for a wild ride.

What sets "Starcrossed Losers" apart from other tracks is its honest and relatable lyrics. The song tells the tale of two people who are constantly fighting against the odds, trying to make their relationship work despite the challenges they face. It's a theme that many can relate to, as we all have experienced moments where we've felt like starcrossed losers in love.

The song's lyrics are incredibly clever and poetic, filled with vivid imagery and metaphors. The Fratellis have always had a way with words, and "Starcrossed Losers" is no exception. Lines like "We're line dancing with heartache / Chatting up the big snake" paint a picture of the tumultuous nature of the relationship, while still maintaining an air of wit and playfulness.

Although "Starcrossed Losers" may not have charted in the UK or in any other major country, it doesn't diminish the impact and quality of the song. Sometimes, the best songs are the ones that don't receive mainstream recognition but hold a special place in the hearts of true music lovers.

About Starcrossed Losers

"Starcrossed Losers" fits seamlessly into The Fratellis' discography, showcasing their signature energetic sound and infectious melodies. From the moment the song kicks in, you can't help but be drawn into its catchy guitar riffs and driving rhythm. It's a song that demands to be played at maximum volume, as it fuels the listener with an unstoppable energy.

One of the defining features of The Fratellis' music is their ability to write lyrics that are both relatable and thought-provoking. "Starcrossed Losers" is no exception. The track explores the complexities of relationships and the challenges faced when trying to make them work. It delves into the ups and downs, the passion and the heartache, creating a narrative that resonates with listeners on a deep level.

What sets "Starcrossed Losers" apart is its ability to balance introspective lyrics with an upbeat, anthemic sound. The Fratellis manage to capture the raw emotions of the subject matter without sacrificing the song's infectious energy. It's a delicate balance, but one that the band executes flawlessly.

The instrumentals in "Starcrossed Losers" are a testament to The Fratellis' musical talents. The combination of electric guitars, driving drums, and melodic bass lines create a sonic landscape that is both rich and exhilarating. The production value is top-notch, with every instrument and element blending together seamlessly to create a cohesive and powerful sound.

While "Starcrossed Losers" may not have achieved chart success, it is a shining example of The Fratellis' artistry and ability to create music that is both catchy and meaningful. It's a testament to their staying power as a band that continues to captivate audiences with their unique sound.

So, if you're in the mood for a song that combines infectious energy with thoughtful lyrics, look no further than "Starcrossed Losers" by The Fratellis. It's a track that will have you singing along and feeling every word, reminding you that even in the midst of heartache, there's a beauty in the struggle.