Vicente Fernández

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Que Bonito Amor

Vicente Fernández


1 ContributorQue Bonito Amor LyricsQue bonito amor, que bonito cielo
Que bonita luna, que bonito sol
Que bonito amor, yo lo quiero mucho
Porque siente todo lo que siento yo
Ven juntito a mi, quiero que tus manos
Me hagan mil caricias, quiero estar en ti

Dame mas amor, pero mas y mas
Quiero que me beses como tú me besas
Y después te vas

Yo comprendo que mi alma en la vida
No tiene derecho de quererte tanto
Pero siento que tu alma me grita
Me pide cariño y nomas no me aguanto

Que bonito amor, que bonito cielo
Que bonita luna, que bonito sol

Si algo en mi cambio te lo debo a ti
Porque aquel cariño que quisieron tantos
Me lo diste a mi

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Que Bonito Amor is a timeless masterpiece by the legendary Mexican singer Vicente Fernández. With its beautiful melodies, heartfelt lyrics, and Fernandez's soulful vocals, this song has become an iconic ballad in the Latin music scene. Released in 1980, Que Bonito Amor is an emotional journey that captures the essence of love and longing.

About Que Bonito Amor

Que Bonito Amor tells the tale of a deep and passionate love that transcends time and distance. The lyrics, penned by the renowned Mexican songwriter José Alfredo Jiménez, are filled with raw emotions and sincere longing. Fernandez's performance effortlessly brings these emotions to life, making the song a heartfelt expression of love's complexities.

The instrumentation in Que Bonito Amor is both captivating and evocative. The gentle strumming of the guitar sets the stage for Fernandez's powerful vocals, creating an intimate and emotional atmosphere. The subtle arrangements beautifully complement the lyrics and allow the song's true essence to shine through.

One of the most striking aspects of Que Bonito Amor is Fernandez's vocal delivery. His rich and resonant voice carries the weight of the lyrics, effortlessly conveying the emotions embedded in every word. Fernandez's ability to emote through his voice is unparalleled, making this song a timeless gem in his extensive discography.

Que Bonito Amor is not only beloved for its emotional depth but also for its cultural significance. The song has become an anthem for Mexican and Latin American communities, resonating with people of all ages and backgrounds. Its universal themes of love, longing, and devotion have made it an enduring classic.

Over the years, Que Bonito Amor has been covered by numerous artists, cementing its status as a true gem of Latin music. Its impact extends beyond borders, touching the hearts of listeners around the world. The song's enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless quality and the enduring talent of Vicente Fernandez as an artist.

Que Bonito Amor has also been featured in various films and television shows, further solidifying its cultural significance. Its inclusion in popular media has introduced the song to new generations, ensuring its enduring presence in the musical landscape.

Listening to Que Bonito Amor is a truly immersive experience. Whether you understand the lyrics or not, Fernandez's powerful vocals and the song's emotive melodies will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on your heart. It is a testament to the power of music to evoke emotions and connect people across cultures and languages.

In essence, Que Bonito Amor is a true masterpiece that showcases Vicente Fernandez's unmatched talent as a singer and interpreter of emotions. Its timeless beauty continues to captivate audiences and remind us of the universal power of love.